Shaykh Nazim al-Qubrusi Mawlana Shaykh Nazim
Shaykh Nazim al Qubrusi, the largest teacher Sufism Live says
"real freedom, is to exercise the will power to tame the ego and give free space and spirit, you always crave the Divine Presence. "
Kingdoms of God in His Divine Presence, he says, is our true homeland.
" We here are but a mere reflection of the reality of our spirit in the Divine Presence. We must find a way back ."
, grand master of the Naqshbandi Order, descendant of the Prophet of Islam and Jalaluddin Rumi.
has spoken on numerous occasions from his own experience about the realities of the spiritual path to God. Muhammad Nazim Adil
al-Haqqani al-Qubrusi. (N. Larnaca, Cyprus, 1922). Cuatrigésimo Grand Master of the tariqa Naqshbandi-Haqqani Mujaddidi-Khalidi, known more commonly as tariqa Naqshbandi-Haqqani, the successor of Abd Allah al Grandmaster -Faiz al-Daghestani.
descendant of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad resident in Cyprus, while his followers live in areas as far afield as the United States, Canada, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Lebanon, Pakistan, Germany, England, France, Spain, South Africa, Malaysia , Indonesia, etc.
has traveled extensively throughout the lands of Islam and much of the West taking the message of Islam according to the Sufi understanding of it.
is not the author of any book written, although several of his speeches have been compiled by his followers in some books.
Your murids, ie people who have joined with him, say they have seen or heard numerous signs, signs or karamats (miracles) connected with him indicate his understanding that Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, as he called, is a great Wali of Allah (friend of God) this time, in fact, the Pole of the Saints of God at this time, ie someone who has overcome his ego and has surrendered to God and remains in all times in the Divine Presence, shelter and as a follower of the last of the Prophets, his ancestor, Muhammad the Prophet of Islam.
Among such signs has to know Him in a dream even before I met him physically, or dream you along with the Prophet of Islam on many occasions.
murids Several have received, especially in moments of consciousness in the meetings of dhikr or remembrance of God who are regularly in the tariqa, Mawlana luminous various manifestations, as they call him, or his special blessing operating in the heart to take the path of submission and surrender to God.
has been recognized by other shaykhs and leaders of tasawwuf also known in the West, such as Sidi Mustafa Basir ibn ad-Darqawi, Shaykh Muhammad al Alawi al-Maliki, to Habib Ali al Jifri, has Nuh Mim Keller, Hamza Yusuf, among others.
In his travels in the East has been welcomed with open arms by many Sufi shaykhs of such land.
has been the subject of intense and heated debate mainly because of his known opposition to Islamic reformism in the forms Wahhabism or Salafism and Deoband.
accuses such movements of relatively recent origin in the history of Islam, generate tensions, hatred, suffering and enmity as the paradigmatic case of the so called 'Islamic terrorism ' .
line belongs to the Islamic Sufism traditionally holds joint monitoring haqiqa (internal spiritual realities) and sharia ( legislation established by Islam).
His teachings range from various aspects of the reform of the nature of human beings placing great emphasis on the purification of character, and in maintaining adab or perfect way to conduct in every circumstance, to lessons on various contemporary political and social aspects or conditions of the current educational system.
is known for his defense of the Caliphate as a traditional form of government for Muslims, as opposed to the current division of the Islamic world in different countries with national governments.
Shaykh Nazim teaches that the Ottoman Caliphate, the last Caliph of the Muslims, turned an essential role in preserving peace in the Middle East and the fall of the Caliphate, which is only a temporary break has brought disunity, endless conflicts and serious problems in the Middle East and Muslims in general.
argues that the Caliphate belongs to the sunnah , ie a form of government is divinely approved modeled directly in the government of Islam who served the Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, and his first four successors in the government of the Muslims or Righteous Caliphs, a very different form of government to democracy, which is the Islamic world as an import from the West against the teachings of the Prophet and that he maintains, is a political instrument at the service of the ego of men, being the main platform for any act of rebellion against the authority of God upon his servants, the humans.
Shaykh Nazim also shows that the global economy, founded on the paper money is an economy contrary to the revealed teachings of the Prophet of Islam, and the World Bank is an institution of tyranny against the people, protected by world leaders who have turned their backs on the sacred laws.
Condemns equally the capitalism and communism as forms of tyranny and oppression against the peoples.
denounces the contemporary Western understanding of the term 'freedom' as an ideological instrument that was created to overthrow the divinely established boundaries of the sacred law, with the effect of creating a mass of chaos and problems before mankind did not know to this extent.
thus argues that secular and anti-religious understanding of freedom is basically a form of slavery, slavery of the twentieth and twenty-first, loved their egos.
real Freedom, says, " is exercising the power of the will to tame the ego and thus give free space to the spirit" .
also complains democratic ideological understanding of the term ' equality' in the West as a form of 'level down' to humans and to eliminate natural differences between men bring greater or lesser nobility of spirit.
says the nobility of the spirit lies in the degree of submission and surrender to God that one can have that once, when people showed their respects to the servants of God and pure Straight authorities, which, as in the Ottoman Caliphate, were themselves disciples of these serfs, the company showed an order that allowed people to adequately maintain their connection to their Creator.
His strong defense of traditional Islamic legacy and memory of the Ottoman caliphate as a recent model and blessed operation of a true Islamic government and universal, early on earned him several enemies in the secular Turkish government, to the point that was put in prison as a youth for refusing to give the call to prayer of Muslims (or azan adhan) in Turkish, as required by the government back then, and do it in Arabic, as required by the religion of Islam.
At over eighty years, the Turkish government still insists on putting legal obstacles, having forbidden to give the khutbah (the speech before Friday prayer community Muslims) in the Turkish part of Cyprus, where Shaykh Nazim resides.
Shaykh Nazim is known for his intense charisma and sympathy and love that generates among many people, for his affable nature and his openness to all kinds of people, and for good humor which often exerted to convey teachings and which does not, however, that at times show a way of lightening their full rejection and grief and anger at the current condition of rebellion against God and forgetting the spirit of slavery to materialism, which the majority of human beings.
has held visiting more members of different religions and religious hatreds complaint, racial, national or otherwise, while inviting, very different ways, people freely and after their own thoughts, understand the message of Islam, which is careful to differentiate versions Wahhabis, Salafis, or Deobandis - and accept that path.
In one of his trips to Spain, for example, was to visit some Buddhist monks, exposing Islamic spirituality or Sufism, and the end of the journey some monks accepted Islam.
Shaykh Nazim has been announced several years ago that the times in which we live are the times predicted by the Prophet of Islam and the End Times, the times in which the world lives and live in a much more dramatic even the worst of the global crisis at all levels, personal, family member, social, economic, religious, political.
argues that the 100 signs predicted by the Prophet of Islam, 98 have already been fulfilled and we are doors of the great crisis which deeply touch the world in more wars than we have seen and that this must occur before the coming of Imam Mahdi , a descendant of the Prophet foretold by the Prophet of Islam as someone who will reunite in End Times to the Muslim world under the righteous path and remove the tyranny and injustice that populate the world.
The Imam Mahdi, according to Islamic teaching, comes just before the triumphant return, in turn, the Prophet Jesus (Isa in Arabic), which Muslims also accept, shall assume the government of the world's believers.
At the time of return of Prophet Jesus , in turn, will come the great deceiver, the Antichrist or Dajjal , to be killed by the same Jesus .
Shaykh Nazim says the main emphasis in the life of every Muslim must be the fight against our own egos, ego-slavery being the source of unhappiness and misery personal and, ultimately, nations .
As an advocate of sharia or traditional Islamic law established by the Prophet of Islam, Shaykh Nazim has said on various occasions that the order of families and nations can only lie in following Divine Will and to suit to the precepts divinely revealed, or else there can be no true peace in this world.
"We're trying to be anything. So to the extent that we try to be something, our ego is to deceive."
When addressing a group of people to give some words he says, has no specific agenda of what to say.
never prepares his lectures in a program.
Rather, he says, open your heart to people who have in front of him and get an inspiration and a sign at the time, by the blessing of the Grand Master and ultimately for their spiritual relationship with the Prophet Islam, to say then that might be beneficial to the mind but not the spirits of those who are listening.
has various representatives throughout the world, with which murids or disciples may be kept in frequent contact to carry out his spiritual progress.
The proper way to establish a connection with Shaykh Nazim esporitual for their murids is that they establish a connection with his representatives authorized by Shaykh Nazim himself to convey teachings and look after the welfare the soul of the murids.
Apart from this, if someone is really Grand Master, he says, that is, if you have received this order from the Prophet of Islam itself, then no matter how far apart the murid of the Grand Master, the latter always have his eye over the murid spiritual place.
" hearts," he says knows no distance, only our bodies. "
For Sufis taawwuf meaning is clearer than sunlight and needs no explanation or indication.
On the term Sufi, admits no explanation, all is conjecture, whether they recognize the dignity of the name or not, when trying to understand its meaning.
The perfect of them are called Sufis, and applicants of lower rank (šalibūn) between them are called mutasawwifa, for tasawwuf is in the same way tafa'aul, which means 'address problems' ( takalluf), and is a branch of the original root.
The difference in meaning and etymology is obvious.
Purity (SAFA) is a sanctity to a sign and a relationship (riwaya), Sufism is a pure imitation resigned.
Purity, then, is a bright and clear idea, and Sufism is an imitation of that idea.
His followers at this level are of three types: the Sufis, the mutasawwifa, and mustaswif.
The Sufi is one who is dead to himself and lives for Truth; has escaped from the bonds of human characteristics and actually achieved (to God).
The mutasawwifa is one that seeks to achieve this range by the effort (mujahada) and its quest correcting their behavior according to his example (the Sufis).
The mustaswif is trying to pass himself off as one of them chasing money and wealth and power and material prosperity, but has no knowledge of these two things.
Sufism and its practitioners are grouped into different brotherhoods ( tariqa , pl. turuq) aimed purification soul human (nafs), the attainment of divine knowledge ( MA'ARIFA ) and the realization of the Divine Reality ( haqîqa ), through spiritual teachings offered by the Revelation (the Quran and Sunna mainly), secondary to the sayings and experiences of other prophets and saints , and practice of a spiritual journey through the guidance of an authorized teacher (who owns a chain initiation, silsila ).
The differences between them should be more than a matter of principle to the special features that will instill los grandes maestros de cada cadena iniciática.
Aunque existen diferencias según la tariqa , lo que caracteriza a los sufíes son, por ejemplo, la insistencia en los actos de adoración obligatorios (fara'id) y la práctica y la insistencia en aquellos que son voluntarios (nawa'fil).
Así se prodigan en las plegarias voluntarias, como son las oraciones nocturnas (qiyam al-layl), el recuerdo de Dios en todo estado, los ayunos voluntarios, la búsqueda de conocimiento...
But alongside it is also important that such acts are done with absolute sincerity (IKHLAS) which correspond to interior work of care (Muraqaba), surrender to God (tawakkul) of contentment (rida) of presence (Hudur), leading to internal states of progressive purification of the soul (nafs) and knowledge of Divine Reality (haqiqa).
Specific Practices:
bowls used Dervishes when begging, the process by which they try to overcome his personal vanity and arrogance, and is one of the most common practices of Sufism.
Within these practices there are some that are individual, such as the recitation of a litany particular model or remembrance of God characteristic called wird , which is the basis of most turuq and one of the most important practices of initiates.
other hand there are community practices that include members of the same tariqa.
Among the practices that characterize the Sufi orders are memory sessions (dhikr), the spiritual audition (sama ') and spiritual dance (hadra or imara).
booster sessions or dhikr, also known as majlis are meetings where the community started to God remember each other from different methods vary but basically include the recitation of Koran, invoking various divine names, an exhibition or teaching on any religious or spiritual aspect, or even a shared reading text, such as the history of Mushkil Gusha .
Another type of spiritual practice is the audition (sama '), which often is included in the above.
consists, in most cases, the recitation of poetry or sacred spiritual matters, which is allowing the soul spirit is less open to the subtle meanings (Lata'if).
These practices often make use of Sufi poetry in both Arabic and other languages \u200b\u200bsuch as Persian or Turkish, as author Hafiz , Sanai , Ibn al-Farid , Rumi , Shushtari , Abu Madyan , Mustafa al-'Alawi ... and depending on the tariqa or not to include musical instruments or not, or just percussion, but the most important element continues to be ever human voice.
Sufi Sama:
spiritual dance, known as hadra or imara is a kind of ritual dance.
Although it varies according to the so tariqa from a recitation of the Name with movement between the Qadiri , dance and rhythmic deep breathing, the ritual dances of Africa and the popular dance of the whirling dervishes of tariqa Mevlevi .
If there is a central truth that distinguishes Sufism, is the Unity of Being, the fact that we are integrated with the Divine.
We Are One: a community ecology, one universe, a Ser
If there is a truth worthy of the name, is that we are one with the Truth that we are not separate from it .
Understanding this truth has an effect on our sense of who we are, our relationship with others and with all aspects of life.
Sufism is about understanding the power of love that runs through all life, with the unit behind of all known and unknown forms of humanity.
Sufism (tasawwuf تصوف in Arabic) is the most esoteric (as hidden behind the word and teaching of the Holy Prophet) of Islam.
In modern parlance refers to the psychology of Islam.
Sufism and its practitioners are grouped in different fraternities of men and women who engage in deep study theological and cultural aspects of the doctrine revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Muhammad).
Sufism is simply the way that even pretend to purify the heart, which is the organ that concentrates the mind, following the Prophetic saying that says "man is a piece if meat is healthy, yet he is healthy, and if it is corrupt, yet he is corrupt, and that body is the heart. "
is the way of deep love for God.
And as you said a current teacher, Shaykh Nazim al-Qubrusi, "is to give each thing its true" , or as others say, "dress in the most noble characteristics (Makarim al- akhlaq ).... ceases only when the troubled passage of the waves, the boundless ocean shows its eternal serenity that sufficient ...''( A).
Peace of heart reaches a heart free of anxiety.
Anxiety is caused by the weight of all that is material -The weight of the food, drink, sleep, talk banal -.
All this, as the gravity of the Earth drags the ethereal heart down, and rid yourself of this weight to tire the heart.
There are also ties, desires, possessions, love of family and children, which bind the heart ethereal land and preventing it from rising.
The name Sufi is an expression derived SAAF the Arabic word "pure."
The reason why the Sufis were called by this name is that his inner world is purified and enlightened by the light of wisdom, unity and oneness.
Another meaning of this name is also that they were spiritually connected to the constant companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) who were called "peers with a mantle of wool."
They also could have used the usual wool blanket sufficient (suf) when they were novices, and have spent their lives in patched clothes.
well as its exterior is poor and humble, so is life in this world.
They are frugal in their food, drink and other pleasures of this world.
In the book called al-Majma 'they say, "what comes to them the pious ascetics is the most ordinary and humble dress and way of life."
Although they may appear very unattractive to the world, wisdom is manifested in his kindness and delicate ways that make them attractive to those who know.
They are really an example for humanity.
follow the divine injunctions.
are in the eyes of their Lord, in the first rank of Humanity, In the eyes of those who seek their Lord they are beautiful despite its humble appearance.
They must be distinguished and distinct and must be so, so, one and all, because they are at the level of unity and oneness, and should appear as one.
The Arabic word tasawwuf (which means the discipline and method of the Sufis) consists of four consonants, t, s, w, f .
The first letter, t represents tawba the repentance.
This is the first step to be taken on the road, is as it were a double step, one inside and one out.
The exterior step of repentance is to facts and feelings words: save one's life free from sin and evil deeds, and leaning toward obedience, fleeing the rebellion and opposition, to seek agreement and harmony.
The passage of repentance takes place in the heart.
consists of cleansing the heart from all earthly desires and conflict, and achieving full affirmation of the desire for the divine.
So repentance, that is, be aware of what is wrong and leave, and be aware of right and strive for it, leads one to the next step.
The second stage is the state of peace and joy (safa ).
The consonant s is its symbol.
similarly at this stage is to take two steps: first, the purity of the heart and the second at his secret facility.
The definitions of what Sufism is very varied and imperfect.
Some examples include: "Sufism is spiritual courtesy (adab): courtesy with every moment, in all circumstances and at all times."
"In the beginning (at the time of Prophet Muhammad) was a reality without a name, and now is a name without reality."
The famous Algerian Sufi Mustafa al-'Alawi has said on the subject:
"tawhid (the realization of Divine Unity, or the ultimate goal of Sufism) is not what is written on sheets of paper or what utter charlatans. The tawhid are the traces left by lovers and what shines its light on the horizon, "or also" Sufism is not something that can be expressed in words, but an absolute certainty and performance. The ignorant will rejoice in their ignorance and how much he suffers for his expert knowledge ".
For Al-Ghazali in his autobiography, is the pinnacle of all the Islamic sciences, because its objective is God Itself, is a way of knowledge and is primarily a practical and experimental, where knowledge and states of the soul must be tasted (dawq) and experienced to know God in all His manifestations: in the universe of creatures, in humans and especially in his own soul (nafs), the depositary of Secrets (Sirr) of the Spirit (ruh).
also said that Sufism is the path that seeks to purify the heart, which is the organ that concentrates the mind.
Sufism or Tasawwuf has been defined as the Way of Love or Heart.
The word "Sufi" have been attributed to various sources, including words meaning 'purity' and 'wisdom'.
The Sufi, then it has ruled out everything not essential to her most intimate, and has cultivated the garden of the heart, as there is no other place to grow wisdom. A Sufi is a man with feet on land and head to the sky.