Media and Culture (Note 3)
By Octavio Getino specific
As the mainstream media's clear that his power and influence has grown simultaneously with the loss of confidence by the population in most of its social and political leadership which has built many journalists and communications specialists as judges, prosecutors and "leaders" policies of the big media companies, clearly associated or dependent who dominate the local economy and crime. Media and neoliberal globalization are intimately linked
Therefore, as noted by journalist Ignacio Ramonet
, it is necessary and urgent to discuss how individuals can require large
means "more ethical, more truth, more respect for ethics, which allows journalists themselves act as their own consciences and not according
interest groups, companies and employers that employ them ... The existence of a Media Observatory is an indispensable counterweight against the excessive power of big media groups which impose in respect of information, a single logic-the-market and a single ideology, the neo-liberal thinking. The existence of an observatory of this nature is intended to exercise a collective responsibility, on behalf of the interests of society and the right of citizens to be well informed. " ( / artigos)
At this point it is worth noting that most of the observatories of media and culture that exist in Latin America, not only deal with critical monitoring or restrictive, but, as noted by Susana Herrera
, Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Navarra (Spain),
"work primarily with a proactive nature leads them to try to make other practices, styles and content so that any criticism is not only destructive but also uplifting and constructive . Thus, American observatories share the conviction that at this point, the protest without proposal is useless. " (
face crises in our countries, observatories for new social media are more encouraged by a tradition that has insisted in bringing democracy and communication perspective emancipatory and critical. Places to see and watch the city, which control the operation of political power can in turn generate social participation, active in public life. Bet, as King notes
"by pluralist information to discuss the issues that matter to society, to convene different nuances of interpretation, that 'make people listen to what he meant by power." Like other social figures, observatories, and the observers expressed a path that, within the range of their actions, the vicissitudes and challenges of their own societies. " ( / articles / rey.htm)
observatories also means-or-called watchdogs seek to contribute to establish parameters to help verify compliance with these journalistic duties that encourage higher quality of living of citizens and the functioning of society. In a participatory democracy, that is, one that integrates a range of organizations and communities to influence decision making and the definition and monitoring of public policies, observatories can provide, according
Germain Ortiz Leiva , University of La Sabana (Colombia) - a true mediator between media and society, increasing social space, so far practically empty, because the public has been converted into a set of dummy so consumers represented by opinion polls which use mainly quantitative methodologies necessarily reductionist, and nuances not realize the important social values \u200b\u200bof the community . (
On the other hand, does not correspond to the observatory's power to order or to punish anyone, as is typical of any system of scientific information, but to provide a service public reporting on the results of their studies, analysis or oversight committees, to be the community itself, and different sectors that form, those who make use, as they best suited for improving the interests of all. Something that goes beyond the merely statistical or quantitative and is also projected on the basic values \u200b\u200bof a democracy that seeks to rest on the basis of equity and participation. As
warns King
Germain, the "look" does not look perfect vision but rather, recognizing the contingencies of view, claims that diverse perspectives are needed to modulate and understand the social prism. The observatories are, then, "experiences that acknowledge their partial vision, but above all that open confrontation with other perspectives, interact with other observations which in turn, come from different "places" in society. Stripped of eyes closed, the observatories are the prospects game. This is not a relativization of the eyes but with the requirement of complementarity. But how to ensure effective participation of different social sectors and the ownership by citizens of their analysis of information provided by the media? How to achieve integration between seeing / observing, action and transformation? How to achieve sustainability, and organizational time, compared to just episodic or cyclical? "
Given these and other questions, are not enough responses from economists and statisticians, but it requires a interdisciplinary analysis work that should not be absent from public information and communication, social scientists, cultural managers, plus agents and representative personalities of the community.
To sum all this makes a fundamental issue for democracy and development of culture and communication in each country. But it also warns of the need for a pluralistic and interdisciplinary management of observation and studies, so that the same may not be subject to sectorized interests, public or private, but it points to enable increasing community participation in its development.
Any system of observation or information in this area is not limited to monitoring the development of large conglomerates or private sector, but also the work of each national government and / or provincial policy and actions, or lack of them-in the fields of culture and media. In that sense not much of public policy in these fields has been one of the paradigm that the State, for he or she has given the community democratically, must be done in strategic areas for national development, such as the information communication and culture. The critical observation, not enforcement or censorship-of media content that spread, it is true not only to large companies that spread, but also to the work of those who manage staff on duty. Precisely the last
competent management in the regulation of broadcasting of the State, has stimulated policies to a real analysis of the content produced in communication systems and information, whether public or private. Many of the governmental action, they set about spasmodically and not pass some feint media, more sustained in some short-term political or economic disputes into a real concern to the media framing of these businesses and also to themselves-in the role of a public service, which is their rightful place. He also was treated with levity as a matter of singular importance as was the extension of radio-spectrum licenses owned by the whole nation and not of any particular government or private companies, without competitive bidding and without assessing compliance or not the obligations set out in the bidding documents at the time of grant to the focus groups that were already using them.
This explains the failure of successive calls to a new broadcasting law, the approximately 70 projects drawers in the National Congress, more than 200 amendments and decrees of "necessity and urgency" of the executive branch of the 90 Legislative Decree 22,285 of the last military dictatorship, obsolete and full of patches and patches, yet still, at least theoretically, a sultry effect. The more than eloquent absence of public debate on all these choices and omissions, is another characteristic of the erratic public policies on media that have followed in these years of democracy and that had a suspicious silence by different stakeholders.
Now, also, managers and principal beneficiaries of those intended to call to silence media lumpenaje true way-the subject of the creation of a Media Observatory, distorting information about the meaning of it, while facing again announced approval of a new Broadcasting Act. A law on the other hand, requires serious debate and democracy among the most representative sectors of the community. Participatory debate beyond the usual "small tables" to which usually visit only a few officials and business and that projects with federal participation and a sense in other areas-social organizations, academics, users, etc .- both the capital and the provinces.
The main problem lies in the existence or absence, of a clear awareness by policy makers and social, on the importance of social media and cultural industries all currently have, because in addition its growing economic potential and boosting employment, are the main vectors of the training (or Training), information (or misinformation), education (or des-education) and development (or devolution) Argentine cultural.