By Manolo Giménez
rural Argentina
The problem is not limited, much less in the raging debate about the deductions that has captured the attention of the Argentines in recent months .
's probably what they needed Luis D'Elia, Elisa Carrio, among others, to become relevant in their political schemes. But it is not needed in Argentina, or the presidential administration of Cristina Fernández.
What our country needs is to discuss a model of self-centered agricultural development-that is, adjusted for interest national-and, therefore, a sovereign state project.
And what precisely the Government's strategists have to grow creatively and patriots from the crisis Is it not sufficient to previous experiences of Peronism to know what might be the results of lie on the obsequious and bureaucrats?
"It is time for the lukewarm," said Julio De Vido, and the cold night just replied artificial consensus, almost delivery. Clearly, turning the popular passions is the specialty of the minister.
Later, Jorge Capitanich shows that read "hot" document prepared by the Justice Party favor to maintain export taxes on grains.
Not bad. Only this is the same person who not long ago, in 2003, introduced a bill which called for the "total elimination of the Agricultural Export Retention" (file S-0075/03 Chamber of Senators the Nation). Green fields
"Every landscape has its hills and valleys" , said Goethe. The field also.
In our blog we have tried to assist in understanding the problem of high prices, concentration, rents and monopolies, and transnational pools, etc.., Which installs in the rural economy Argentina gap a resounding social and productive system that consolidates the deadlock.
understand, so that is an absolute nonsense about "the field" without regard to the gravity and power of different actors in the production of grains, ranging from the Big Six to the owner of less than 200 hectares.
But the nuances of rural protest must not only be understood solely from the objective conditions but also from the subjective conditions.
We do not mean only the historical differences that kept the four entities-Agrarian Federation, for example, has had and has a regulatory preaching hardly share the Rural Society, "but also the effects of laissez faire Cavallo, who left a legacy internal marketing system with all sorts of" licenses. " (Because the sale is black, not go further, which represents a not insignificant percentage of the transactions.)
In this scenario, it is possible that producers in similar situations act differently, depending on who their customers and their way of selling.
Perhaps this is why, while blocking the ports of Cargill, General Oil-Dreyfus Deheza and that firm has made its plant in General Lagos, Santa Fe- some leaders, in interviews and speeches, do not even dare to mention these same oligopolies.
Growing from the crisis
insist on this formula. Otherwise, it is possible that the desired agreement between the Government and "the" are confined to mere shaft of retention, without progress in the allocation of resources or the creation of instruments that tend to the nationalization of foreign trade , in response to the problems of concentration and loss of food sovereignty, which characterize the Argentine soy model.
're talking about the model that holds our brief "economic miracle" based on flow of investment funds and multinational corporations, aimed at both agribusiness and mining. That is, following the cumulative pattern of the Chinese giant and the European intermediaries.
Argentina needs to roll back the process of concentration of agricultural and technological dependence from an accurate and updated.
must assume that the "oligarchy vaccine and pro-British", which marked our teachers of national thought, no longer exists. The industrial proletariat, which was the backbone of Peronism, today does not meet the numerical weight and dynamics needed to lead the labor movement. Forces Armed lack of a national program, and even a defined agenda, and the nationalist intelligentsia has been almost without relief.
is a mistake to fight the battles new maps of the past. And yet again encorsertar policy slogans and contradictions that anything they say to future generations. For the vast majority of new workers, the gorilla is not nothing but an African animal.
"Either we invent or we err" , Simón Rodríguez said , Bolivar's teacher. Maybe it was time to take the advice.
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