By Sergio Crescini
The history of mankind has been marked by racial riots. From the time of Sumer and ancient Egypt until today, both religious and ethnic issues have been reason to see in others the "other", which deserves to be other than death.
The essential reason to hate the different sits on the foundation of everything that threatens the very stability, both economically and culturally. It is the fear of losing me as being, to lose myself in the "other."
El odio y la violencia se convierten así en herramientas de autoafirmación. Herramientas que, sin duda, construyen ese mirar desde lo diferente que argumenta el odio y justifica el homicidio brutal.
La lógica de la eficiencia —esa remanida palabreja, acuñada en los noventa para definir neologisticamente la sobreadaptación a los requerimientos del gran capital— determinó que sociedades enteras fuesen desechadas como “inviables” y sus habitantes condenados a la emigración, la pérdida de su identidad cultural o la muerte.
Hoy esa exclusión está reglamentada por las corporaciones financieras que determinan, según sus parámetros, quienes tendrán access to development-limited and regulated, of course, and who are doomed to neglect .-
On 19 May, the major news agencies reported: "At least 22 people died in recent days in and around Johannesburg, because of attacks on immigrants from neighboring countries, police said. "
This scenario, Johannesburg, is repeated in every place where the determination of capital decide on the dyad center - periphery, or viability - not viable. The failure of entire regions to decide on their own development triggers exile horizons in search of survival. But are not destiny exodus the Promised Land, but the fight for job opportunities and survival, the "local" invariably respond with fierce speech xenophobic hatred. This is what is happening in the "black continent." We also
Without the virulence and the deployment of the crimes that plague Africa these days, racism in Latin America is also a current period. One of these scenarios is presented by Bolivia, where Evo Morales, the first Aboriginal president in the history of South-suffering daily the quarrel between the sectors that have favored the old system of social merits.
Leaders Indian Confederation of Indigenous Peoples of Santa Cruz (CPESC), released days before the protest by vandalism featuring civic leaders of Santa Cruz province against those organizations on the occasion of the regional council.
In our country, the phenomenon has been expressed, in different historical moments, against their own native country and as individuals as legitimate forms of political and military. Buenos Aires contempt felt by both the "gauchos" of the federal montoneras, for the "Chinese" of Roquismo, the "mob" of Yrigoyenism or "Black heads" of Peronism.
were appealed to, in successive stages, the privileged used against those who were, somehow, in the periphery. They also expressed violent forms of exclusion.
have not changed things too much. These days we frequently hear derogatory language towards men and women of the Patria Grande coming to our area in search of better opportunities. They are the "umbrella" or "ball" forms of xenophobic and racist exclusion innervated popular language demonstrate, clearly, that the battle for American national identity should be in the plane culture. Because
material constraints to generate a joint project by the regional states, the crisis has been the nation's cultural construction. Such incompleteness historic Latin American country is expressed by differences in daily life, expressed through the language of violence.
We refer to the speech from which assimilates the concept of security as a "police state" repressive, thus opening new forms of xenophobia. Meanwhile, the divisions are exacerbated into the social, medieval-growing country clubs where the winners imprison-system and consolidated the outlying suburbs.
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