By Raul Quiroga
hundred days were the reason for no reason.
An eternity of disagreements in the best economic scenario.
A scenario that, paradoxically, offers excellent conditions for the meeting.
A meeting that allows us to find the formula for takeoff.
This requires to recover the value of the word.
For if at the time a commitment was made to recover the quality of institutions of the Republic can not now circumvent the framework that imposes the Constitution.
And if you have even invoked federalism can not longer afford to centralize, at the hands of the Executive Branch, and the concentration at the hands of pools and corporations, the wealth of the Argentine people.
The Legislature must take charge of their powers
Whatever the outcome that provides the current debate on the draft sliding tax official, national legislators have an obligation to repeal section 755 of the Customs Code, enacted in 1981 during the military dictatorship, which delegates to the Executive Branch the authority to define the concrete implementation export rights, property taxed and the applicable rate.
For this delegation of the powers of Congress is unconstitutional. Article 75
inc. 1 of the Constitution establishes as the first power of Congress to "legislate on customs. Establish rights of import and export, which, as well as appraisers on which shall be uniform throughout the Nation. "
Emphasizing this provision, article 76 of the Constitution also states clearly that "the legislative delegation is prohibited in the executive branch, save for issues management or public emergency, with a deadline for their exercise and the bases of the delegation established by Congress. "
is clear that at the time of issuance of the Resolution 125, which established the sliding tax system, the country was not in any emergency, sticking strictly to the words of the President.
"confiscatory federal or central government?
According to the Minister of the Supreme Court's Office, Carmen Argibay, there are court records indicate that when a tax exceeds 33 percent is confiscatory. Likewise asserts its par, Eugenio Zaffaroni, who also announced that the 44 percent tax rate applied by the Executive in exports could be challenged in court for injuring the right of ownership.
to this that the deductions should be added to them, when applied on the gross receipts (sales value), do not take into account the financial situation of the producers or the utility of the farms. Thus, it ignores the principle recognized by the Supreme Court's Office in that taxes should observe the manifestation of wealth that absorb
suffice, therefore, to apply the law and the Constitution to begin reverse the current economic centralism. But is the logic of discipline which seems to decide what is right and what is wrong, where the law applies and where not, what to do and what not.
're no longer my Margarita
never cease to amaze me the important and dramatic changes in ideas that affect the leaders when they reach a dose of power. Far
was 2002 when the now former president Nestor Kirchner across the country explained that the deductions were confiscatory wealth of the provinces and did nothing to finance policies, and politicians from Buenos Aires.
also explained that those deductions, if implemented, could result in improved productivity and, therefore, could have more resources-producing provinces. (In a video circulating on Internet speech in Santa Fe, specifically).
But of course, were different political scenarios that justify staging. It is as if the change of habitat of Santa Cruz to Buenos Aires had been mutated to rebel then provincial governor, adopting without modification the brutal centralization practiced by Menem and Cavallo, who, in the style of colonial rule, managed discretionary income of Argentines from the port.
same time centralization of Rivadavia and Rosas, which was reinforced like never before with the Menem administration, through the practice of the "superpowers" and the decrees of necessity and urgency.
federalism in the center of the scene
In this sense, we must remember that in 2002 the Nation and the provinces agreed that the amount of national resources to be redistributed would be less than 34 percent of the total resources. Today, however, are 24 percent, with a tendency to fall further. (In fact, the increase in taxes-which are not co-participation-achicaría Gains collection, which is a partner).
The underlying theme of the discussion should not be limited, then, soybean or retentions. For what is at stake is the concentration of economic power and national resources.
is why legislators have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate that building a country that Federal was not just rhetoric. This is a historic opportunity to correct distortions in the simple advice of feeling patriotic, to recover the basis of popular sovereignty and parcel of a nation that boasts of such with their independent powers intact.
A nation proud of the federal dynasty, left by José Gervasio Artigas at the dawn of our independence.