The scam century. Conclusion and proposals
by Mario Cafiero and Llorens Javier
The above figures absolutely guarantee the conclusion is anticipated in the title. The massive embezzlement to the treasury, the huge hoax made to contributors, and the lacerating fraud that is performed to future retirees, makes the adventure of the administrators created by Menem and Cavallo behest of the IMF and World Bank in scam of the century.
In this sense, the maintenance of a mixed system, with a purported private pillar and another state, it was a compromise, or to save an obstacle constitutional. Was how to disguise the extremely harmful effects of that scam.
Just as the repeal of the laws of obedience and end point, and labor flexibility (Banelco law), the law of abrogation of the administrators not only a matter of great convenience, but a moral imperative, since creation of them should never available, and its cancellation had to be prepared for a long time.
other hand it is also clear that the government's plan is politically unbalanced. Not only for his improvisation, which is evidence of very poor intellectual level of the message accompanying the bill. But that in light of the unconstitutional Decree 897/07, which delegates the management of the Funds to the second line of the Executive Branch obviously can not blithely that huge mass transfer of securities to a government that has failed to account for the funds of Santa Cruz. Neither of the Skanska case bribes. Or suspicions about the bullet train. Or the affair of the passing of Resolution 125, which in practice operates the exclusive benefit of the export of grain, for at least a couple of billions of dollars.
And unless a government that has nourished the trusts ANSES surplus, a vile instrument of predation of parental contractor. That vision and patience throughout the world, manages the bidding enormous public surcharges, and have their accounts swollen bill trout, which are the accounting of the consideration paid huge bribes.
is not at all to choose between financial homeland (the Pension Funds and banks) and the home contractor (Jaime and De Vido) who want to get their hands on these funds to continue to "politics and business." This is not a choice between a mob and another. Since the first was actually deadly for Argentina's economy, and the second is a pillar of mob corruption, undermines the state itself.
not the situation allows calculations or petty electoral tactics if the government will have or will have no "box" enfrentar las próximas elecciones. Y en tal caso tratar de impedírselo de cualquiera manera, a riesgo incluso de permitir la continuidad del inmoral y ruinoso sistema de las AFJP.
No se trata en manera alguna que un estafador despoje a otro estafador, o de neutralizar por conveniencia táctica esa sustitución de estafadores y estafas. Por contrario, totalmente alejada de estas especulación subsidiaras, la reparación del gravísimo e inadmisible “error criminal” –remedando los dichos de Macri— de creación de las AFJP, debe ser especialmente cuidadosa y eficaz; dado que el cese de una enorme estafa, no autoriza en manera alguna a cometer o comenzar con otras.
Es la oportunidad to realize full reparation. Which is to fully comply with the Constitution in that pension funds should be "managed by stakeholders with state ownership." And to reverse harmful policies such as the flattening of the pyramid of the pension benefits, also seeking a genuine movement of them, in addition to canceling the pension debt recognized by judicial decisions.
is time also to maintain the individual accounts of pension contributions to prevent abuses to the solidarity system. Who has served for live forever "solidarity begins at home", made huge and early retirement with minimal contributions by retirement schemes "special."
is also the time to stop the theft of revenue sharing to the provinces. And as the Constitution mandates enact the new tax-sharing regime. A new tax regime should be discussed within a new system of social benefits from the provinces, where they should be prioritized childhood and adolescence. The National State, the individual provinces and municipalities must agree on a Comprehensive Plan for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, and will not have to discuss whether to lower the age of accountability.
increase pensions in the whole pyramid and a comprehensive plan of social protection, are also measures that can mitigate the effects of a global economic crisis, whose death throes are coming to our country.
is also time to end the fiction of the debt. And writing off debt with FJP State in exchange for a commitment from the state to resolve any deficits in future, as all serious countries in the world.
Finally it is time to retrace other harmful decisions that were made referring to retirees. As the Law 24,145, enacted shortly before the 24,241, entitled "Privatization YPF. Funding for the Social Security System. " And now there is about a specific and unusual opportunity.
There is a public price of action accepted by Repsol YPF, which bought the group Eskenazi, with large financial facilities. And there will be funds to cover the purchasing of all of the shares, the portfolio will recover from the AFJPs, which can convert. Therefore, with proper pre-audit, it would be financially able to renationalise YPF, as an essential first chapter of the re-nationalization of strategic resources of our country. Be reversed and genuine interest in the country, the operation of "Trojan horse" displayed by REPSOL, selling minority shares to the group Eskenazi "expert on regulated markets, to operate as a lobbyist for the interests of Repsol, whose consequences are now in the permanent price increase internal fuels.
It's time for acts of greatness and unity for the sake of the country. It's time to think about the next generations, not the next election.
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