The Memory of "Yes" ... Trust Superior satisfied that within us whom we love and comprehensively monitors, amid the chaos of difficult situations is part of Zen . Lao - tzu, says in his "Tao Te Ching " "The wise man knows he has a sick mind and therefore is not sick." l E disconnect problem would be to ignore and confidence in ourselves. Lao Tzu continues: "A storm does not last a week A shower does not last a day. Such is the course of Heaven and Earth. "Everything goes by itself. If the water is turbid, let him still, and she only gradually acquire transparency. "" Be like water flowing meek and indifferent " . The " Self-Remembering " (or" Yes " ) is the confidence of real archetypal memories of our involvement with the Void (which manifests the Light that brings into manifestation forms) through which points are expressed interdimensional Light, Love and supreme power . The opposite is forgetfulness of being so within, with an ID wrong with the material passing (in our case, the physical body) of each dimension. Human individuality characterized by a body of emotional expression, should focus on the higher centers of the head (such as surgery, the annahata ) and the mental expression in the heart-synthesized between the eyebrows. This strikes a balance " Mind - Heart which is the real See Internal or" Wisdom of the Heart. " Thus, it is possible "feel with the mind, and think with your heart .."