Tuesday, September 12, 2006
If You Had A Heart Murmur Should You Take Zoloft
Compassion, overwhelming force ...
Compassion: overwhelming force .. "Come here, higher than the peaks that crown the everlasting snows, how much reaches above the bird, above the sun and the stars ..." (VBA) In the West, the concept of compassion, has a similar connotation to feel sorry for someone, and actually very few want to inspire that feeling in others. However, in the ancient esoteric texts, both items are clearly distinguished: The compassion comes from the heart, when I join my LOVE with you PAIN. The pity arises from the mind, when I join my FEAR your PAIN. "Compassion ... is the strongest power in the life of our second-Ray Universe, where the feeling of love governs all existing creations, overwhelming force if it can rely on it, can galvanize the spirit of people and turn it into a perfect white magician, a Taumaturgo able to cause effects cure theurgic .... The good will within the human heart, high a degree of spiritual power invoked the spirit of compassion with which you can perform miracles ... " (Vicente Beltran Anglada in" Mystic Force of Compassion ", p.44 Luis Cárcamo my spiritual experiences, Editor 1982) " The study of the feeling of compassion Ashram was an activity which the teacher assigned the most profound importance, since in his inner motivation is the perfect explanation of psychic prodigy can do around the true Miracle Worker, the sinless man, able to heal their peers using only the intimate and profound feeling of pity and tenderness that is a quality innate human heart has been in touch - even fleetingly, with great heart beats warm sun ... " (Vicente Beltrán Anglada inthe mystical force of Compassion, p.46 Luis Cárcamo My Spiritual Experiences , Editor 1982)

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