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must first pronounce mentally sound OM : "as it is specially connected with the solar fire of the Godhead. Is the sound by which the love of God can enter the hearts of human beings. Also called in esoteric terms, "The Sound of Judgement" or the voice of the Soul of all things. Through its proper pronunciation, the spiritual disciple can contact AWARE YOUR ANGEL SUN (Soul) in the causal plane, and later, with his master in the path of initiation. This is a dual sound involving both the vibration of matter, as the Spirit's incredibly subtle, occurring through the interaction of both the mysterious phenomenon we call consciousness, whether the negligible awareness of an atom Awareness and more resplendent cosmic Logos. "(Vicente Beltran Anglada in" The Mysteries of Shamballa) 1 º) Alma first to invoke with Sound "OM" issued from the mind. 2 º) try to recognize the vibration of Alma , just because we can not, nothing happens, we try and just when we do this meditation repeatedly come a time that immediately identify. 3 º) visualize and feel, as the energy of Alma comes from above, like a blue rain that gets us over the crown, brow and heart. 4 º) We leave our bodies mentally inferior, feeling empty of them ... giving them .. as if we are not empty, the Alma can not take the place of them. 5 º) We stay about 10 minutes in the bathroom vibratory Alma. 6 º) read, or if you mentally rehearse what we have learned: "THE POWER OF THE SOUL, flows through me, as a steady stream." 7 º) strongly visualize the soul's power flowing within us ... 8 º) read, or recite mentally if we already we have learned: "THE WILL OF THE SOUL, becomes my will. I do not recognize other, and it gives me peace, power and strength to live and to serve and raise my brothers. " 9 º) displayed strong will of the soul, was admitted to our conscience as our only desire ... 10 º) read, or recite mentally, "THE LOVE OF THE SOUL, fills my heart full of understanding and compassion. I am a channel of love from my soul for all my brothers." 11 º) recited visualize and feel .. 12 º) read, or recite mentally, "THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL, pour it over me and become a beacon for others, on which the shed silently" 13 °) displayed strong THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL, enlightening, lighting becoming a torch that spreads its light in every room ... ... 14 º) read, or recite mentally, "purity of soul, fills me like a purifying stream .. and bathing my be lower in purifying waters. The desire body is cleansed and fortified, and I become a purifying force for all those with whom I come into contact. " 15 °) displayed strong, purity of soul, and all content recited ... 16 º) read or recite mentally, "PRESENCE OF THE SOUL, lives in me, day and night ... and he reveals God in all beings perceive .... His divinity in all creation ... " 17 °) displayed strong, the soul's presence, illuminating our aura .... Finally, with closed eyes, we become aware of inner joy, that our soul has given us ... and we recognize full of power, will, love, light, purity and divine presence .... We recognize our transformation and the Soul POSSESSION exercised upon us, and we became his instrument and channel, that the Divine fills and spills over all human beings, animals, plants and minerals to be contacted .... From the holy instant we admit that the possession of our soul, which is always our first Master of Wisdom and Compassion, we have become full partners in "White Warrior spirit." If this dynamic meditation with our Master Hidden Soul, is made daily, then we remain aware of it ... feeling in the deepest and delivered in mind and heart, in a short space of time everything we Divine unveil ... light!. "Thus, the responsibility of the pupil at the beginning of this New Age will certainly provide the natural device for the energies of spiritual light from the higher aspects of consciousness, can penetrate without resistance within cell complex physical vehicles, astral and mental. "
(V. Beltran Anglada in " The Mysteries of Shamballa ")
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