Sunday, August 20, 2006

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DEATH AND PROCESSES WHAT IS DEATH? .- In the West, there is real fear to think, talk or have a minimal relationship with her unfortunate result of several causes that we are against it a total ignorance of the causes and processes, so when it inevitably reaches us, our fear and anxiety, combined with the tearing of those who love us, makes us confront the worst conditions, even causing real damage in the state called post-mortem as discussed below. It is necessary to eradicate the terror of death imposed by the Christian religions, through concepts such as hell, terrible punishment, always disproportionate to the errors, and the panic of an angry God to punish our enormous sins. There is only one great principle which is LOVE, which animates and pervades the entire universe. GOD IS LOVE AND ONLY GOD EXISTS. GOD IS ETERNAL AND NEVER DIES. WE ARE PART OF THE. There indicating the presence of Christ to humanity the reality of the soul and eternal. The only hell is the earth itself, this plane, when we approach it without love and ignorance, it would be desirable we learned to live in touch with our true reality, our soul, driven by the principle Love Hell and punishment , was a sadistic turn of the Christian Church in the Middle Ages based on the tribal God of the Old Testament, Jehovah of the Jews. Nothing really belongs to us on this plane we call life on Earth. Nothing. Even the body that temporarily fills the soul, to have experiences in the field in his return to the Father Divine Creator, after of a long process of evolution. Death could define and see it as THE GREAT restorative process, in which the physical body and the life that animates the body, called the etheric body, its constituent elements RETURN to where you were taken, and the soul returns to power essential being, to its source in its own plane. You need to see, understand, assimilate, ADMIT, death as a process of continuous, uninterrupted CONSCIENCE AND ETERNAL LIFE, and that there is only ONE BODY CONSCIOUS LIFE AND EXPERIENCE THAT TAKES MANY BODIES TO BE TAKING FORTH IN YOUR BECOMING LONG. For this to be possible for us to absorb and really understand this, we must live consciously as souls, to focus on the soul level, and consider our bodies, physical, etheric, emotional and mental, as mere means of expression of our soul, A JOYFUL NEW APPROACH TO THIS GREAT EXPERIENCE will arise DEATH TOLL THAT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT THE MERGER WITH OUR REALITY more authentic. Those who live in a state of spiritual opening, THEN CALL NO FEAR DEATH, and jiggle as they arrive, but the place and open their arms and their minds at the time of the merger with their souls, "Do you know some saint that have feared ?.... whatever their religion ..? When assimilate these concepts even intellectuals ... through a spiritual opening, our soul through of the infallible intuition, that despair and tear eradicate found in the bed of death. To the extent that we approach our life in the soul and live as a death souls ... CONNOTATIONS LOSE THEIR HORRIBLE. Defines death as a great spiritual being, called D. Khul: "The Eternal Pilgrim, the soul, of their own free will chose to hide from death ... only uncontrollable and frightening when you do not understand it .. when we understand and know the traffic .. just a triumphant end leads in the light of our divinity. ". Spiritual people should see in death, a REAL BUSINESS OF YOUR SOUL, and should not hinder the desire for permanence in the lower worlds of form .. then death is the expression of the soul has decide to remove all contact with them .. and that we shall appear again .. OUR DIVINE REALITY hidden in this plane of existence, called life on earth. Death is a process of abstraction, that is "consciously or insconciente removal of the living entity inside of your outer shell." Death is just an interval or transition, state of consciousness of a lower to a higher plane. East therefore not celebrate the birthday of the Great Ones .. but of his death. Loneliness does not exist in post-mortem states, whom we knew and were associated with us in the physical plane, we are never alone, we remain aware for a while still have the physical body, you can view, capture their emotions and thoughts, this is very important to keep in mind as we may infer much disturbance to them, if negative. Death in absolutely all religions, without exception, is provided and explained as a continuation of vital consciousness, in which only the body lose more crude, the physical body, which from birth does not leave a single moment to degrade and OLDER, therefore all attachment to the form ... only beget suffering sterile. Imagine how our lives would be in an old and degraded body of 120 or 150 years ...? What could we do with that ?.... crumpled body ... decrepit ... imagine a world so full ... .. almost monstrous homes condemned to live in these bodies obsolete ....! death is ALWAYS RELEASE .. RENEWAL ... REVELATION ..... Observation of nature .... as renewed with the seasons .. no regrets ... no attachment .. every Fall Winter dies ... every ... every spring rests reborn .... every summer harvest their experiences. ... so .. see how the trees are becoming more savvy and strong ... and thanks to the experiences in successive seasons develop prick to prevent the monkeys climb on the branches to steal fruit or bark fireproof ... to defend against fire and in the giant sequollas ... etc ... passing through the leaves when they fall to the ground .... give back nutrients to the soil and disintegrate .. .. back to earth what was earth reborn next year ... .. to see new winds .. more rain ... new ... new experiences ...!... birds in their long evolution in the animal kingdom .. ..!... are becoming more aware because of his background, thanks to this continuous cycle of life and death. In death as we see liberation .... ALWAYS end of a period of limitation and suffering ...! Most of the time .. out of a decrepit old body .. no longer able to have even natural experiences such as running ... .. eat or drink what you want .. etc. Death is always the end of a period where we had experiences that will become valid in our infinite ..! Death is both PAINLESS, comatose, unconsciousness in a progressive progressive income level ... and simultaneously on another level higher and more real ... Even in death the scientific world is now recognized as an electric shock to nature and nothing more for the spiritually unevolved is literally a dream and a forgetting ... before the next renaissance in which new land will be new experiences with a young body and suitable for them, time and circumstances favorable to the harvest of his karma. For a good citizen, is a continuation in their awareness of the living process, and the pursuit of interests and tendencies, their awareness and perception are the same, is much better with the disappearance of physical limitations, and often not even aware death episode. To the wicked, criminal, etc. .. .. and for those who only live for the material aspect of a very selfish, post-mortem states are tied to the land .. to the bonds that built it and the attraction of your desires ... and his last field environment ... trying desperately to establish contact and get back into it. In rare cases, a great personal love for what they have left or incunplimiento a recognized and urgent duty .. can keep the good and the beautiful in a similar situation ... For the spiritual person ... Death is immediate entry into a service area, which is very usual, feeling that is not new, but from an indescribably joyous state and glorious. Death occurs according to the Act have reached the objects of experience by which it came, and removed the aspiration of his soul. To grow you die .. leave the old, outdated ... as the serpent leaves his move ... to become more beautiful and powerful ... die is from the highest point in a CRISIS OF GROWTH AND EXPANSION ... of .. EVOLUTION IN THE INFINITE BECOMING OF DIVINITY TO YOU BELONG. Ignorant and selfish mind refuses to lose control of his instrument, the body ... and injected into the consciousness we desire to continue living in a body that has completed the work for which he was born, and who feel called of his divine soul. So death defined the great Maestro D. Khul: "Death is the change the will to live ... by the will of abstraction .. the Eternal Pilgrim, our soul, and like all change represents a burst of energy-will, directed and focused, this has a very magnetic quality that attracts to itself the power producing the chakras ... the abandonment of the form (the body) ... and releasing life, enveloped in light quality. "and added:" From another point of higher consciousness, death is simply an effect produced FOR YOUR LIFE AND WILL AWARE, led by the spirit and controlling the physical matter. "Ultimately the individual spirit that we are and always will be but more and more conscious of his divinity, will come once and other in this physical plane, until purified from all attachment and desire it, evolve to a higher ... in eternal journey of expansion in expansion .. ... to infinity in infinity ecstasy in ecstasy ... ..! ! THE PROCESS OF RETURN .- Taking as a clearer sense that death is nothing but a transition, a pain-free interval, comatose, in nature electric shock as progressive, with loss of consciousness in a plane provided to the collection the same in another higher plane, in a continuous process of abstraction. (the abtraccion is conscious or insconciente removal of a living entity inside of your outer shell.) The physical body, also called dense body is itself composed of two bodies, the physical that is visible to human vision and the vital or etheric body, which is flowing through the prana or vital energy, or etheric, through the impetus of the chakras flowing through a nervous system invisible, visible physical counterpart, in a light or mesh network, consisting of some channels called nadis, which arise from the chakras, the five first are united by a main nadi called shusumna or bramanadi. The number of these nadis or subtle channels, is not well known, as there are esoteric traditions that say they are 72,000, and 72 million others ... (in short, the exact knowledge of their number is not important, Do you know the world Scientific few arteries, arterioles, veins and venules is the physical body?) The etheric body or vital, fully interpenetrating physical through these nadis, energizing, his prana, obtained by the Sun and the food you eat, the spleen, is the general distributor of the gland prana (also called splenic chakra). The etheric body is also known by the name of aura, and it is possible to take photographs with a special camera called Kirlian, according to the degree of evolution of each human being and is the size and color aura, the aura of the Christ was so huge brighter than a half miles, Martha and Maria knew that the Master came by much glare before they reach your physical body, as they said of Siddhartha Gautama when I reach the state of Buddhahood or Enlightenment. The soul controls the two bodies through two wires: - A thread that runs down to the hypothalamus and in connection with the Sahasrara (7 th chakra), this thread is called also the thread of consciousness. - A thread that is directly connected to the heart and two minor chakras located on the lungs, called a thread of life. The etheric body for those who can see, is represented as a shining armor, and there are three holes that are heavily plotted by an intricate mesh of nadis, to avoid that there to drain the vital energy or prana, by one of these three holes will produce the final abstraction of the etheric body to the degree of evolution of human abstraction occurs for one of these three holes: - spiritually undeveloped person, very close the material plane, strongly selfish: The navel. - Common person, good citizen middle spiritual evolution: The heart. - Initiates, disciples, people who are very spiritually developed: the entecejo or the crown. When death is sudden, accident, heart attack .. etc, the process of withdrawal of the soul that normally is slow, it is countered and neglect of the physical and etheric bodies are simultaneous. The first ray, the divine quality that is manifested as power, will, controls the entire process of death in all realms, through the Law of Attraction, it destroys the forms and allows the light through the portal death. The process is as follows: Step 1 Pour off the strong vitality or prana that flows through the etheric body and physical body begins corruption and reintegration of the elements that constituted their origins. ("Earth to earth .. dust to dust .."), humanity in its evolution will soon consider giving up the physical body as a release. 2 nd stage Prana leaves the etheric body and it feeling fresh. Stage 3 prana leaves the astral or emotional body. Stage 4 prana leaves the mental body. Quadruple after this abstraction, the vital forces are centered entirely on the human soul. All this process is triggered when the soul is over his last experience, for which he has come to this physical plane or thick, then disappears in her will to live, then from his own plane, he averts his attention on the three lower worlds and replicated by the other Law of Attraction in all his strength, his life ends only in the physical plane and everything returns to causal consciousness. Part of the bright mesh nadis which is the etheric body through which prana flows, is magnetic in nature, and this magnetism allows the union of the physical and astral bodies or emotional, and cut to leave the body the etheric body in the process of physical death. When the etheric body ceases to be polarized with your soul, it loses its magnetic quality, it ceases to be governed by the Law of Attraction, and becomes NO MAGNETIC, reason quickly disintegrates, the soul ceases to be fascinated by the way on the physical plane and by Inhalation Finally, remove the physical life of the casing, after the death remains the subject, but not shape. According to our level of evolution power of individual conscience, our soul enters our head or the solar plexus, this will determine in the process of death through which we normally leave if there has been a major change in this man. The soul is a reflection of the Monad. We forget that every night we die in the physical plane, and live and act in another, it has given us the ability to abandon the physical body and remove the consciousness of this plane, but the process of falling asleep and dying is identical, except that the thread current or magnetic energy remains intact and the way back to the physical body. Death is the breaking of the magnetic wire, and we are conscious entity, is polarized into a higher plane or subtle physical body to lose its polarity, it becomes non-magnetic, and showing its true reality, that is just a reflection of our true Self, devoid of independent existence, and therefore the principle of consistency, it disintegrates, disappears when we know this despair that arises from understanding the phenomenon of liberation, which is what actually occurs. The processes of abstraction, the dream is one of them but reversible, are bound to respect life, and are activated by an act of spiritual will, THE SPIRIT IS THAT WE REALLY ARE RESCUED FROM BELOW THE 3 WORLDS, cutting the magnetic wire links them to be aware on higher planes. This is the true principle of Christ-Resurrection, "I am the Resurrection and the Life" in the words of Divine Nazarene, for the destruction of this form is required, and is a glorious act of liberation, our physical body, a form no longer is needed, a form which itself has never been the life principle, but a reflection of it. As a diving helps us to explore the underwater world, liquid and thicker than ours, but when we come to the surface we have to take it away, to get rid of their unnecessary oppression in the world of air, the helmet falls lifeless to the ground without ability to move, no energy itself, that is actually the physical body, the spacesuit to explore the soul this dense physical plane. Unfortunately humans in their ignorance diving stick to it physically, it degrades every day since we use it, and when our private soul takes it from us and drops, all is despair and mental tear. What do you think of a diver, by removing his helmet cry? ... No doubt ... so compadeceriais their ignorance think of us for generations to come, when death is considered a detachment-Alignment Technique for proper opening to higher worlds, of which finally came back enriched with new experiences. The physical body is always the repository of Life, when it escapes and is released, the tank is destroyed after your function that means in reality the word deceased, the body that is over the role came to be, then the life we \u200b\u200breally are, not only did not cease to exist .. but it tackles a flight of swans, which elevates the higher worlds, unlimited .. where all is peace, harmony and beauty ... A clear understanding of the true reality of death, is what distinguishes a disciple started on the path of spirit, a common man, ignorant of its reality, the fear of death is to man the Threshold Dweller this was, and cycle. (Mystical hypostasis: all matter, in line with his soul, rises and comes to Superior, to the Divine, in a movement of psychic dissolution, Alma answered the penetrating, possessing, transmuting all, according to the purpose of fully sequenced DETACHMENT PROCESS .- The order of the soul returning to your level triggers the next process in the physical body: 1) a vibration runs along nadis, which is the etheric counterpart of our whole physical and nervous system where all the vital energy or prana, nadis are the ultimate agents of the impulses of the soul. Received from the sound, vibration and immediately organize themselves for the final abstraction, strongly polarized 2 º) the blood stream is affected, in a peculiar and hidden by the glandular system, through the hypothalamus that is governing all of our ductless glands, the hypothalamus in response to the call of the soul through these glands injected into the bloodstream a substance that affects the heart, there is anchored the thread of life, this substance has not yet detected by the scientific world, is the induced coma, and loss of consciousness to evoke a reflex action in the brain. 3 °) there is a tremor psychic, whose effect is to loosen or break the connection between the nadis and the central nervous system, then the etheric body begins to discard the physical body, through one of the openings, according to the degree of evolution of moribundo.Este loosening the nadis begins in the eye, and produces an apparent relaxation in the dying, showing lack of fear and a condition of peace and will leave, as well as incapacity for mental exertion. 4 º) is a pause, (often), short or long term so that the separation of physical and etheric bodies will be as smooth and painless as possible. 5 º) the etheric body and organized, has decoupled completely from the physical nervous system, and begins to be collected for the final game, beginning its withdrawal from the extremities toward the "exit", focusing around it and waiting for the tug end of the soul, which governs the entire process by the Law of Magnetic Attraction, a higher plane on a lower. 6 º) a flip occurs, or electrical impulse-attractive, it has been called in various religious traditions, the attraction of the earth, is the momentum or gravity of the matter itself, the physical body more dense, to be free from magnetism etheric body that was united and interpenetrated (earth to earth ... dust to dust ... well, to Caesar what is Caesar ...). The soul begins to return to God who sent it. 7 º) the dying feels a double attraction - the etheric body retiring. - The physical body responds to the solution. as therefore feels a strong detachment from the physical plane, far back in itself. Spiritual people do this process consciously, aligning with the soul, offering no resistance, surrendering to the Divine in all its parts, longing for the divine fusion, in a mystical hypostasis sublime movement. 8 º) another pause, in which the physical elemental (a kind of being that exists between soul and body, and has been revitalized in our lifetime by currents of thought, and we could identify as a kind of personality with us in our lifetime), which in common and unspiritual people cling to what he considers life regains its hold on etheric body, it sometimes happens that after a very serious accident or illness in which death was not desirable for the soul, it allows the process of regression, using the physical elemental. We must therefore distinguish between two types of coma: coma final: In which the process is irreversible. restorative coma: In which the soul allows the elemental physical reverse the process, not degauss the c. vital. or the spleen chakra which is the governing body of prana. In undeveloped people spiritually, the physical elemental is so powerful that it can last for days or weeks, this pause in hard-fought battle with the call of his soul. Almost always, when death is inevitable the pause will be brief, some veces solo segundos, el elemental fisico finalmente pierde su aferramiento, y el cuepo etérico completamente organizado alrededor de la abertura de salida, espera el tirón final.

9º) el cuerpo etérico sale del cuerpo fisico, en etapas graduales, asumiendo los vagos contornos del cuerpo que energetizó, basandose en las formas mentales que este tiene de si mismo.

10º) el cuerpo etérico se dispersa gradualmente, dejando únicamente la sustancia pránica que se identifica con el cuerpo etérico del planeta. Este proceso se vé muy ayudado por la cremación, sobre todo en personas poco evolucionadas espiritualmente, en las que el cuerpo etérico puede permanecer largo tiempo en la cercanía de su physical shell is still disintegrating, because the pull of his soul is not strong and the material-mental aspect of late it is. A person related to the spiritual life, quickly dissolve vital or etheric body. Once completed this sequence, has completed the process called restitution, man is free, temporarily pull physical attractiveness of the area, staying in their subtle bodies. The inner self remains the same, remains intact, unencumbered and free from the physical world and responding - emotional or astral body. - Body of mind that still thinks the same. recognizes the voice of soul, which is sometimes poorly understood, and other long and very loved. Individuality is not lost, all that has been loved, hated, persists, remains eternally INDIVIDUAL AWARENESS, although ultimately the process will become a high initiate its own right, and in full awareness of UNITY WITH ALL STOCK. RESISTANCE TO DIE .- As an elementary physical exists, there are also a basic and elemental astral mental, three entities are finally engage in a struggle with the soul, to avoid the process of abstraction, this struggle arises depending on the spiritual condition the dying: Lemurian heading ---> -------------------------------- COMMON MAN> the elementary physical death struggle with the soul Atlantean --------> BE spiritually oriented -> the astral elemental struggle with mental struggle soul ----------> BE LIVING IN THE SPIRITUAL LAW --------> the mental elemental struggle with the spiritual beings ADVANCED soul, those who already have their lives on the physical plane, polarized in the service of others and the universal love, they pose no struggle with his soul and his retirement from the physical life is consciously and deliberately align with your soul when they realize that they will die and delivered to the Divine Will. There is a technique to die like There is a technique for living, death is not to be confronted with FEAR, RESISTANCE, even value, which is somehow a form of resignation, but with the omniscience of the soul, which acts with wisdom through the mind is aligned with it, and delivered unconditionally to His Divinity. Death is painless, and when they started the demagnetization of the etheric body, the spleen is unable to generate the enormous energy that would be necessary to press the necessary intensity, central nervous system, which is what ultimately produces PAIN, death itself is a process Devitalizers where splenic energy is minimal and insufficient to produce intense pressure. Do not fear this time, it is always an irresistible drowsiness, loss of consciousness at this level and activation and sensitization of it in a higher one, subtle and wonderful, where light is the quality and appearance of love and only, time indescripible glory, joy is not comparable to anything known in this area. The process of dissolution .- the external solution: The external solution occurs when the senses and dissolve the components of our physical body, earth, water, fire, air. (Return to the general deposit of matter from which they were taken by The Law of Magnetic Attraction). The dissolution process begins with the gradual loss capacity of the 5 senses. It will still hear the voices of those who speak to us, but do not distinguish the words. This means that consciousness has withdrawn hearing. The objects lose their detail and grasp its contours only a blur. This means that visual awareness is retiring. And the same goes for the rest of the senses, smell, taste and touch. When it ceases to fully experience the senses, is a sign that has begun the first phase of the dissolution process. The following four phases correspond to the dissolution of the elements: earth .- The body begins to lose all his strength. Runs out of energy. Can not be lifted or remain upright, or hold anything in his hands. The head can not be sustained. There is feeling of falling, sinking or being crushed. Any position is uncomfortable. The skin loses color and installed the pale. The cheeks are sunk and dark spots on the teeth. Is diffi cult to open and close the eyelids. We are losing the earth element, this makes us weak and fragile. Sometimes the mind becomes delirious and agitated, but then sinks into drowsiness. These signs indicate that the element earth is dissolving into the water element, and the land-related prana becomes insconciente on this plane, on the other hand the water element is more evident, hence in the mind appears the secret sign the vision of a mirage tremulous. At this moment those People who are familiar with the practice of yoga guru, mentally begin to merge with Him (below explain how to do it). .- water began to lose control of our body fluids, we nose drips, drool, sometimes watery eyes or we become incontinent. The language can not be moved. After feeling that arises dry eyes. The mouth and throat are dry and become sticky and clogged. The nostrils sink inward. Comes a thirst. Tremors and shocks arise. And our sweat glands emit a characteristic smell, known as the smell of death. This approach leads to feelings of pleasure and pain, heat and cold, the mind is foggy and irritable. It have the feeling that brings us a great river or stream. The water element dissolves in the fire element, which comes to the fore by their ability to sustain consciousness. So the secret sign is the mental vision of a fog with clouds of smoke. .- The fire completely dry mouth and nose. The heat leaves the body, from feet and hands to the heart. Sometimes they go in the steam and smoke dying at the crown. Breathing the air that enters the mouth and nose is cold. You can no longer drink or swallow anything. The prana of this element that is holding the perception starts to dissolve into the air. The mind oscillates between clarity and confusion. Completely forgets the names of relatives and friends and can not recognize them. Sight and hearing are very confusing. The perception is like we're in the midst of a fire. In the mind appears the secret sign of flickering red sparks dancing on a big fire like fireflies. .- air breathing becomes difficult. The air seems to flow from the throat. Extertores are issued. Breathing becomes short and forced, and the exhalation is prolonged. Eyes rise up completely, and immobility occurs. The addition of the intellect is dissolved, the mind is perplexed and unaware of the outside world. Disappears all contact with the outside world figure. Begin hallucinations and visions. If we have been very bad nightmares. Obsessive recurring moments of our lives. Those who have been wicked frightening hallucinations and often screams in fear. Those who have been kind and compassionate life experience blissful and heavenly visions, and we usually find loved ones who left, even with enlightened beings. For those who have lived a spiritual life, in death there is peace in place of terror. When the air element dissolves in consciousness, all have joined pranas and sustain life even in the heart. So the secret sign is described as the mental vision of a lamp or torch flaming, with a reddish glow. The breaths become shorter and are now too shallow, the fumes will get longer. Finally, the blood flow through the heart begins to stop, and the last drops produced last breaths. Solo is a slight warmth in the heart. All vital signs have disappeared. What science is called clinically dead. the internal solution: After the external solution, continuing internal. Tibetans say that lingers for a time similar to the "duration of a meal (about 20 minutes), in any case is very fast. In this internal solution dissolved states of thought and coarse and subtle emotions., And there are four states of consciousness of increasing subtlety. As internal sign all states that result from anger (33 in total) come to an end, and sets a great peace. In the next stage disappear every state of thought that derive from the desire (40 total) and shows the experience of joy, and so on, until finally it becomes a state of pure consciousness in which perception is the appearance of a luminous Base, also llamadola mind of clear light. The Dalai Lama said that "this awareness is the most subtle mind .. more intimate" in other traditions is considered the awareness of our true divine nature, which is always ours, even when we reach the final enlightenment, coupled with all ONE but from awareness of individuality. actually happened to death?: We have simply returned to our original state, everything dissolves as the body and mind are frayed, the 3 poisons, anger, desire and ignorance come to an end, with them goes all negative emotions, we return to our original purity, everything that obscured our consciousness disappears, and as we are. benefits of knowledge of the external solution process: Those who know these 4 stages of dissolution, and especially the secret signs of each can in the time of death to perform what is called the Guru Yoga Tantra (fusion or union with our Divine Master), which leads to the mystical solution to that Great Being with that but we identify ourselves according to our spiritual beliefs, this leads to a post-mortem state of highest spiritual rank and glorious, and can lead human beings to full enlightenment, at the time of his death. The technique is: Realizing that death or abandonment of our physical body is imminent, we align with our soul according to the technique I explained, once aligned with her, and from that great state of peace and harmony ask the Great Being that our devotion to feel more identified to help us and reveal secrets that the four signs are manifested in the external solution, and if because of our lack of concentration loses its sequence, He does it for us. Below we look at our mental visions and when they arise, our Master will place on 4 chakras as follows: - The first secret sign that appears at the end of the dissolution of the earth element: A mirage shimmering (like water in the hot asphalt in summer), at that moment we generate our devotion addressed to him, displayed at the center of our heart chakra or annahata (center of the chest two fingers on the right), and in that place we merge with Him in His light. - When the second secret sign at the end of the dissolution of the water element: smoke, at that moment visualize our Great Being above the navel, and back there we merge with Him - When the third secret sign at the end of the dissolution of the fire element: sparks dancing over a fire, like fireflies, visualize the Master over the center of the forehead (brow), illuminating, and there we merge with Him - When the fourth secret sign It finally the dissolution of the air element: the torch with red glow, we will focus entirely on transferring our entire awareness to the mind of wisdom from the Master. The dying process can take many variants according to the spiritual conditions of the dying, disease type, etc. ... This is the most widespread death, and according to esoteric tradition, all living things die so, since the insects small humans. When death is sudden or accidental also so, but the entire process is performed very quickly. The ideal way to see death is to conceive as a gradual growth and wonderful sunrise in another plane of consciousness, more and more subtle and higher, as the lost in this is as painless and comatose like every night when we go to sleep, all the suffering we have is that we add with our minds and child clinging to a body which itself never had a life of its own. After the death of the physical body, which is the only one who dies always, always reveal our true natures two: - The absolute nature: Our Divine reality. - The relative nature: As we've been and lived in this dense physical plane. (Which determines our next physical rebirth). HELP ON THE DEATH .- I was saying Master D. Khul: "When comes the weakening must allow the dying to prepare for the big transition, but is apparently unconscious, I say goodbye, not from the tears, fears, tears, resistance to the inevitable, or desperation, but from the peace and love .. harmony in a happy trip much more fortunate than the birth or marriage. " How to help: - Silence in the room and in the environment. - The unconscious of the dying is only apparent, and is given by two factors: 1) paralysis of the will to express. 2 º) inability to generate energy that indicate experience. - Silence helps the soul to maintain possession of the body lucidity until the last moment and prepare properly. - An orange light (Whenever the process is terminal), the orange color helps you focus on the head. - Phrases mantric, both for the dying (mentally) as companions. The OM repeated softly. - The Extreme Unction, is a hidden base and scientific. - The head of the dying (as bed) should point to the east. - Hands and feet should cross, until the final moment, when the ideal position is the "sleeping lion." - Burn only pure sandalwood incense because incense is the only First Ray (Power-Will). - The restitution process should be speeded up, cremation should therefore replace the burial, "liberacionde speeds of vehicles involve subtle that even the soul, causing the release in hours rather than several days. - Purifies the astral plane and prevents the "desire" the tendency to decrease the physical plane. - Fire repellent aspect of creating forms of desire that form in the astral body. - The cremation can be initiated at the time of physical death is determined, but it is advisable to allow a period of time between 12 and 36 hours (depending on the nature of death) has occurred since the cut of two threads that the soul controls the physical form: - The thread of consciousness of the head - the thread of life in the heart - The mummification, embalming or cryogenics .. etc. ..., Are very negative processes, unnatural, and have been responsible for the perpetuation of the etheric body sometimes for centuries, is particularly so when the individual was being perverse and cruel during his earthly life. - An aid to the dying should include a comprehensive support knowledge base to the following aspects to consider: Let him talk, listen without interrupting with love .. .. discuss, or gloss over anything you say. Receptive silent and serene. Our attitude must be relaxed, making him see that we are comfortable in their company. With common sense and sense of humor. Sometimes taking us react as the target of their anger and blame, when we least expect it, not take them as personal insults, born of his fear and affliction, DO NOT REACT is as always the ideal method, and never harm the relationship with the dying. DO NOT PREACH, nobody wants to be rescued with the "religious prescriptions" of another, it is not "convert" anyone, but to give LOVE, LIGHT AND HELP .. SAFETY .. get in touch with your spirituality .. WITH YOUR ALMA .. Almost always die as we lived .. accept for the dying as it is .. NO RESERVE .. our love will not quiet their inner worlds doubt positively affecting ... UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is the key, but expressed in a natural, unaffected .. to encourage it to flourish, let the dying without judging by his past ... and understand that like us, wanted to be happy, have suffered .. loved, has been and is scared .. .. let 's see as an equal then our heart is open ..! Put yourself in their place ... Let's meet and ask dying ... What I would like more .... that ..... or family friend who is with me ..??... discover both ALWAYS WISH: TO BE LOVED AND ACCEPTED AS IS. Often they like to be touched .. hands caress them ... to be treated as living persons and not as a DISEASE ... - PET - WATCH YOUR EYES - LOVE YOUR EYES sometimes like a: - SOFT MASSAGE-wedge in our arms (Breathing slowly to keep pace). The body has its own language of love .. listen to him and follow him ... They are losing everything on this plane yet ...... why can express: - TERROR CHOLERA Dr Kübler-Ross, noted 5 phases in the process of acceptance of death - REJECTION - RAGE - BARGAINING - DEPRESSION - ACCEPTANCE Let them feel their heartfelt NEEDS COVERED. Cicely Saunders (The great pioneer in the movement of hospices and nursing homes), he said that when someone knows they will die what you need most is love, expressed as "intense desire and attitude of understanding" no success ... comply with our interest and effort to understand them ... .. convey what all you can feel anger, fear, frustration , rabies, it is normal .... The death brings to light many repressed emotions ... (guilt, envy of the healthy ..) help us not to repress, OK, with understanding, then subside and we will see again the calm and quiet ... .. that is its true nature. Do not want to be too wise .. and say profound things ever ... just be there .... very present ... If you experience fear and anxiety, we will tell .. and ask .. that will help us see in his own plane, and improve communication .. Said Cicely Saunders, who next to a dying man are not the only ones we ... always always get more than we give! Recognize their courage ... and his best qualities, but naturally, without affectation .... .. COURTS NOT EVER, the reactions have to take ... should be treated as they are when they can be .. .. - SINCERE-FULL OF LOVE-Gender and look at them as they really are! HEAVENLY CREATURES leaving a dense plane!! - If we ask "Will I die?" all the experts advise to always tell the truth ... in the most peaceful, loving, sensitive and skilled .. no they can cheat, because they perceive it in many things, and only get to fool sitting: - MORE ISOLATED-DISTRESSED-alone before death the truth will help them prepare and come to your deepest truth ... if the spiritual and moribund health permitting, we explain it to him after the ceremony of forgiveness, but with 5 or 10 people instead of 3 ..... PEACE after that will have the benefit will be immense and indescribable future ..! - Caring for the dying, sets before us ALL OUR hidden fears, and the terror that he has death .... - It is important to watch and observe without reacting .. .. for our sake and the dying to watch it .. we accelerate our growth ... it represents a deep contemplation and reflection on the death ... and help us when we it's time decisively ... - Also arouses great compassion ... sometimes unlimited ... that did not even suspect ... - Compassion has nothing to do with compassion .... shame that arises is what to mix our love's pain ..... the shame that arises is what our fear of mixing with the suffering of others .. .. - Fear has many origins ... we have fear-DIE-SUFFER-splitter-LOSE OUR LOVED ONES THAT LOVE-A LOSS OF CONTROL IN THE LAST TIME ... .. or dignity or respect. . - OR FEAR fear itself ... (A horrible fear no face ...) fear of isolation ... and you feel alone .. let us help make it the fear of death gives rise to the patient ... the greatest fear is to have intense pain in the process of DIE ... let's say it is painless ... it is identical to SLEEP .. a gradual loss of consciousness on this plane ... and other enhanced in another higher plane .. .. bright and wonderful ... as we know many people who have been clinically dead ... and they did not want to come back ... even insulted their caregivers and physicians to bring them back to this level ... Without exception ... I never wanted ..! have told all the wonder that was to die .... and ALL also without exception have said he had lost the FEAR OF DEATH ... AND HOPE THAT LOOKS LIKE SOMETHING WONDERFUL ... ..!!! - It is very important that this fear to surface, in order to help ... ASEGUREMOSLE: - CAN NOT BE ONLY-NOTHING-NOT SUFFER THE PROCESS IS GREAT BEAUTY - You must die in peace ... without harboring feelings of guilt, enmity, hatred, let us help it ... - NEED TO FORGIVE AND LOVE AND FORGIVE ..!!!!... sending an embrace of pardon ....!! FAREWELL .- - You have to learn to let go of the dying .. no stress ... no attachment ... let him die in peace .. - Christine Longaker (One of the greatest experts in the treatment of dying) ... has discovered that to die in peace the dying need HEAR TWO GREAT verbal assurances of their loved ones: - Permission to die. - That will go on without him .. do not worry. the best way to give him permission to die, is to stand by the bedside to hold her hand .. ... .. no crying .. caress NI STATEMENTS OF LOSS ... and say "We are here with you .. I love you ... love you ... your body is dying .. and that is completely natural ... it happens to everyone .. the time we spent together has been wonderful ... and enough .. please do not keep clinging to this body ..... let yourself go .. not alone .... now or ever .. our love is with you .. and always .. will you just leave a body that suffers but you'll still alive .. .. we are eternal ... when your body to sleep .. you will meet with loved ones, friends ... .. you are watching and waiting for you ... " Let's say all this may seem insconciente .. .. .. He hears us repeat it ... "you must leave heaven now ... think .. my name .. join your soul .." - Ideally, what had we taught him to align with your soul. - Not only is dying ... the whole family should be released from the body to be .. it would be interesting to help the dying, to meet with the family previously, and explain all this ... and he does not mourn before ... is the index of lack of love .. but on the contrary ... - Before leaving the dying man .. .. the whole family should be prepared mentally .. - Make sure they have understood that only the body dies ... that is a natural process .. .. nothing strange or scary for everyone without exception we go ... - Pray for him is the best ... do not transmit pain AND TEAR .. ENVIRONMENT .- \u200b\u200bIt must be harmonious serene ... .. because the dying are very receptive all .. To be able to die at home in familiar surroundings ... .. If you have to be in a hospital, relocate plants, flowers, music if possible ... if religious photos and images say .. .. a small altar .. THAT IS WHAT DEATH IS ... a sacred process ..! - If death is next .. and is in hospital, talk to the doctor-in-chief responsible ... to be bothered at least .. with analysis and testing ... if the process is irreversible and very end .. and we can get him out of the ICU and disconnect and move to a room, let's do it ... - NOW WE CAN MAKE A document requesting wills .. .. NO RESUSCITATION NON-MONITORING ... if the process is irreversible .. NO ENTRY IN THE ICU ... no injections or invasive procedures ...!.... just serenity and love ... are the best therapies we can offer to be loved ... - And a lot of silence ... silence ... as your soul needs ... - Whenever we see who is afraid of pain ... we repeat ... that the transition process is painless .. and that the hypothalamus releases endorphins which inhibit the prana needed to push the nervous ... - Everyone is entitled to a transition SERENA AND SILENT .. .. .. PACIFICA surrounded with love and understanding of the process ... .. We strive to achieve, ¡¡¡¡¡¡ NO MORE CHARITY TO HELP A PERSON RIGHT TO DIE !!!!!!! That is true compassion ..! COMPASSION .- - Attend dying develops awareness of the INSTANT PRICE OF TIME IN WHICH WE LIVE, and the need to fill it with love .. toward everything and EVERYTHING ... - Saint Thomas, they brought in the car they would be executed, said "As hate or wish harm to anyone .... when we all go the way of physical death .." - BE ACTIVE compassion .. Avalokitesvara (the Buddha of Compassion), is represented with a thousand eyes to see the pain ... and a thousand arms to help mitigate .. Tonglen .- (The sublime art of giving and receiving) - Tonglen, is to take upon himself the suffering and pain of others and give them happiness, prosperity and peace of mind. - It uses as a means breathing, the technique is as follows: 1) We collect our mind and take it to heart ... and then the soul. 2 º) ask domestic support while Divine inspiration to perform well Tonglen and his blessing, as well as offering a venue for their love to heal the person in need, not we, who are His cure ... just an intermediary. . 3 º) imagine all obstacles in order to help the dying man, or anyone else .. never ask that you avoid death or any particular disease ... but to help form suitable for him ... always according to the Divine Will .. 4 º) We clean our mind first ... with a visualization of light cleaning ... all our negativity and mental conditioning ... so we can be a pure instrument of the Divine ... down to the aid of our brother ... and then visualize all the obstacles that we represent for the divine help can work through our ... as a black smoke, hot, sticky, filthy ... we inhale through the nose, snorted visualizing ... .. (the energy always follows thought ..).. let us never forget what we take to heart ... then the mind .. and finally we put at the feet of our soul ... where you envision burning and destroying and then exhale .... PEACE AND HARMONY ... 5 º) Now do the same with the disease or the problem of our brother ... the same process as we envision .. .. .. as black smoke, filthy, slimy, hot ... and I hope through the nose ... we take it to heart to mind .. then .. then deposited at the feet of our soul ... and there and then burn it .. .. .. exhale peace ... harmony ... beauty .. health .. happiness ... for our brother ... for the dying ... Santhideva was saying, "There is no more powerful protection for himself and for others, to join the prayer, the intention and compassion" Mother Teresa of Calcutta, she practiced continuously with his lepers and said "I rescue, and rescue. .. sucking their distressing disguise "SPIRITUAL HELP .- said Dr Kübler-Ross, the most distressing question he keeps in his heart the dying person is always" you think that God will forgive my sins? "cojamosle hand .. and we say" Do not be afraid ... all is well .. God is only love ... only love! .. do not feel guilty about anything ... if you asked for forgiveness heart .. let yourself go to meet Him .. He will wait .. is your Father and loves you ... embrace him in your mind and your heart! feel your love .. .. God is the God of Love.! " ask the user if they want to learn to align with your soul .... let's say you find peace in it .... and if it looks good ... Teach them making it to the alignment ... that we have given wonderful help!. ... when we recognize the peace and harmony that has taken .. animemosle to do so often .... and then to stay in this peace ... and that bond ... and very very important !!.... let's say ... that when the time comes the right to transit ... .. and stay there ... hugged his soul ...!!!! without thinking about anything ... full of light ... embraced and given to her ...! - It is very important that before entering the room of a dying .. we collect internally ... .. ask for divine assistance that speak through us .. for our eyes ... from our hands ...! .. then unite mind and heart and elevate both the level of the soul ... and everything you say will come of it .. so .. if we ask .. - Talk to them softly slowly ... .. always .. but without affectation .. - If you have not talk .. .. .. we open our hearts as hard as we can invoke the Divine .. .. and invoke His presence on the dying visualizemosle him with love .. .. .. pouring from the top on the His Light and His Blessing .. purifying their karma with his compassion ... giving peace to his agony .. - Then let our room radiates peace and permeates the atmosphere .. .. Sogial Rinpoche said, always to this view, "Sometimes I see real reverent awe .. .. the Holy Presence, and a change in the face of the dying .." also said, "This transport in experiencing God .. what .. you and the dying." I do not remember now the source of this phrase, but coming from a great spiritual being "The quality of the fire is burning .... the quality of water is thirst quencher ... ... the quality of the Great Ones when invoked with humility, is to come immediately to shed the enormous power of His Compassion unlimited !".... - how wonderful to know this ... and believe it ..! - all the help we can give to our loved ones dying ... and all be suffering ... .. no matter where the place ... because they come and aid immediately, but curing the disease or pain, because its origin is karmic, and perhaps is best for the dying ... you give them peace of mind and strength to endure ... give hope and find forgiveness .- - let us talk to the dying, their virtues ... of their achievements .. ever .. its defects will give rise SERENITY .. and its moral fall ... - They are very vulnerable to blame and depression .. they always tell hesitate ... " God has already forgiven you must forgive you .. now ... err is human ... to forgive is divine ..!!" - say it too .. " If you have forgiven them all will be forgiven heart ... forgive them now too .. .. .. Bless you hug them ... and be at peace with God and all men forever animemosle for it ".... do ... and see how well they find from that time ... - If we do not want ... because the bitterness still dominates purification .. let's say you ask your soul .. from within your heart .. honestly .. if you do the purification is always true !!.... and later at another time .. we will see finally forgives his brother ... - We have to make him understand ... tactfully and much love in life ... .. there is a time for everything ... and that is time for him .. of reconciliation .. must forgive everyone ... and should apologize to everyone who has hurt ... and embrace them in your mind and your heart ... in a light hug ...! Especially the main thing is to make him understand that you can not leave this world with hate in your heart! and then if it is possible to write a letter to the victim .. .. a message that we can write for it .. it will give you peace and serenity before death unlimited .. ..! TO FIND A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE .- Each day we turn your head if possible and then to ask what kind of spiritual practice does, lets do it with him, pray a rosary if you are a Christian .. and then gently enseñomesle to align with your soul and make him that meditation, at the final moment you say that makes it one last time and is delivered to it .. if you have not practiced before then will not be able to do it. - Inside the Divine cry for help .. to give him faith and light .. - Are dying in a short time have enormous spiritual progress for that, and die in a state of peace and love close to sainthood. - If the dying Christian aspiration is "My Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me" open heart and a lot you can feel the presence of Christ at every moment, as the Great Ones always respond. GIVE THE DEATH .- Teach the dying to offer his illness and death for the spiritual benefit of humanity, when the rest in peace alongside the immense Divine Suffering Humanity will receive your generous offer. Let's see the greatness of this gesture. Organ donation by direct and not dying relatives, can represent a huge help to him, as a purifying element of karma, if the disease and age of the dying are consistent with a possible transplant, this gesture of great generosity should be done by someone who has a great intimacy with the dying, to be he who receptions benefits of that donation. - When we die .. we have to make a Tonglen for all those dying and those who suffer our disease, sucking it in and out .. to them love and light and serenity, as we leave this plane will be so glorious. PRACTICE FOR DIE .- - The basic advice is to die well, "Towards Staying physical life, free of attachments: - To the loved ones - towards the possessions - Fear-Free Stay AVERSION: - The Suffering - Negativity aligned with a mind and soul together her final moments. - The final mental state at the time of death is Transcendental purifier for their enormous value, as this bard is so powerful and magnetic fields that can change in a short time the content of our mental substance. - The effect of the last thought is so powerful and extensive flooding throughout the conscience, purified if we are free from attachments and aversions. - Tell the dying, to reflect on it, and prepare properly, but there is a previous state of desire to do so, it will be difficult in the end did not see turbulence driven by negative emotions. - The ideal way to die, it is clear from all INTERNAL AND OUTSIDE .... .... that the mind is free from any desire other than the merger with the Divine, unconditional and total. - It is advisable to remove from the vicinity of dying relatives and friends of those severely affected emotionally because greatly disturb the whole process of evolution, and cause great distress in the dying man but not enough, it captures almost all the crying and emotional states of tear pollutes the atmosphere of negativity and attachment in the mind stuff of the dying. - The process of mourning should be done before the moment of death, wherever possible, from the calm realization that no one remains at this level indefinitely, never forget that awareness of dying is exceptionally vulnerable!. - The Tibetan Book of the Dead, says the sobs and tears shed along the dying of it feels "like thunder and hail." - When it comes to the end, our minds should stay away from everything related to this physical world and concentrate on the Divine as being respresented for us. Gandhi, the murderer even when shooting followed him, only said "Ram ... Ram .. Ram ..!"... the name of God for the Hindu ... so he abandoned this plan, his mind and his mouth impregnated with the name of God. - Let the dying while still have time to do this, the appropriateness of the position "of the sleeping lion." - It is important that next to the dying ARE spiritual friends, which permeate the atmosphere of light and love and serenity, pouring upon it their best vibrations, inner speech .. and help to get aligned with your soul .. and suggesting its position and emotionally collection collection .. external silence - And again and again remember to complete the sentence: "As the nature of water is to turn off .. and be burning and consuming fire ... that of the Great Ones make an appearance is when they are invoked with humble heart, so infinite is His love and His compassion and His desire to help all sentient beings .. "OM SHANTI


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