Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Diagram Of Cancer Pathophysiology
About BLACK MAGIC ... On the DARK ..
THE BLACK MEN ... We have reached a point in our history of the world where ignorance is criminal and deserves the severest punishment. Ignorance is not black magic, but is now the best ally of the black magician. People who do not know any better is constantly hindering the work of others and that is the result of indolence. When we try to violate the laws of nature, we break our bodies and our awareness negative we, opening the centers of our being that we are exposed to be influenced and sometimes haunted by dark forces. This is a crime almost as great as the self exercising black magic. Man must understand that it is not possible any compromise between good and evil, or is on one side or the other, and when it appears in doubt, should be considered is the black side, because it certainly is an attribute of Saturn ( Satan). Those who do not fight for the higher part of the lower. the demonic power of the Ancient now study these strange creatures that inhabit other planes of existence, which some regard as damned souls by this wave of life and which mobilize the black magicians in their spells. Many of the occult past times have forced these elementary and nature spirits to serve them, as in the days of the great Atlantis. However, the real black magician ethers not act on which environment the basic etheric, but will do with entities that inhabit the astral light or animal magnetism of the lower sub-planes of the astral plane. The black magician can be (and usually is), a clairvoyant, but you can never go beyond the astral world. Is chained to this plane by their passions, their hatreds, their charms and their animal nature, which is the basis of black magic. The ancients taught that there was a hierarchy of demons for each of the sins of man and that in most cases, are the embodiment of those sins. From this one can understand how man can create, in the lower astral sub-planes, bizarre entities, some human beings like degenerate, while other animal settings, look for lizards, snakes and other reptiles. The power of the black magician lies in its ability to govern these soulless entities that, although they are not individualized, exert a tremendous influence on their essence, and in the field of Nature and individuals. It is very difficult to come to realize that our passions and antipathies are able to generate these demonic beings in the super-physical worlds, and this is one of the basic secrets of black magic. Every evil thought or emotion facilitates low birth of such pathetic and submissive creatures whose intrinsic qualities in the hands of those who know how to manipulate, they become agents of destruction of the powers of light, and is part of the plan that those who conspire in their mandate to these monsters drop, in turn, victims who were once their slaves. The black magicians, one after another, are swallowed by hell Astral Maelstrom. The lower astral sub-planes are the three hells of religion and are the domains where those living beings emerged from the excesses of passion and are fighting each other with unfailing rage. The black magician, become conscious channel for these forces, precipitating a flow of the infernal world of demons, and in doing so, sold his own soul, because such forces must pass through the astral body, and that is the price pay in exchange for control over their peers that enable them to exercise those demons. E1 such elemental power is virtually unlimited, and there are many depraved souls who agrees to bargain away their immortal spirits in exchange for the domain that these demons are given over the material world. There are two types of black magicians: 1) those using the demons of the astral plane for his misdeeds and those invoked by necromantic practices and spells, 2 °) which generate their own demons and rush over the world. The first group are those that harm the wider world, while the second are those most hurt themselves. The first group consists mostly of black magicians aware, while there are many in the second group to completely ignore what they are doing. Some do not realize their mistake until the demons that have created turn against them. E1 white wizard does not use any of the powers of the animal in its action, working on the Conversely, transmute animal aspects of its kind in more subtle and superior qualities. E1 white magician at work exclusively used the matter of the more subtle sub-planes from the elemental planes. The white magician is a builder, not a destroyer, and strives to release more than dominate their fellows. The white magician has dedicated his immortal soul to the light, while the black magician has sold his for perishable glory. The "Grimoire" of the Middle Ages are full of chants and spells for invoking spirits and history abounds with tales of black magic, but the student of occult science has nothing to do with all that aside to protect it. Spiritual Research not experience it. In the spiritual realm of mere experimentation is often fatal, and there are many students who have gone to an early grave, or homes for the mentally ill, or have become obsessive in their improper testing. Depart of phenomenalism, for the true student anything valid in it. The sincere student does not seek salvation from his eyes, but through his soul. Phenomenalism does not require the involvement of the superior aspect of being, but, at most, serves only to satisfy curiosity. Today, like yesterday, it will be rare that it ask for the salvation of the soul, while it is usual to be claimed performing "miracles." Have you never experienced the feeling that you find someone who has some evil?. Have you never felt a strange repulsion by someone?. This is because the elementary and thought-forms that populate the aura of the person concerned, if you possess these qualities in you like, atraeréis these entities and it will adhere like leeches. Often when people come out of a mediumistic session, carries with it dozens of those devilish ways that penetrate your body when it ceases to control the will to be negative and receptive, which is equivalent to cross the threshold. Other entities unable to penetrate far in the aura of a positive person, still hovering around waiting for an opportunity, on the first occasion in which they lose their temper or do something wrong, the door has been opened and introducing elementary through it. If any of these entities were seen in the physical plane by someone, would be frightened to death, but as it happens, the unfortunate do not see it and not care about their existence. It would be very careful that people take into account this and consider that the best way to nourish not tread the Path is White. These demons will succumb to hunger, all passion and compassion must be transmuted into the black magician exposed to the light of truth so that the law is fulfilled: View and work in the vineyard, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord The laws of nature do not obey the man. Know neither virtue nor sin. Like the Greek Cyclopes, one-eyed, are giants that meet your preset goal, undeterred by the use or misuse of its power. The sage is subject to the laws of energy being used and this makes access to work for him. But as violates the laws governing the powers that are controlling, they will turn against him and destroy without discrimination or compunction. Of According to ancient wisdom, the man remains in the physical world for about eight hundred lives on earth, during which passes through an infinite diversity of human forms and environments, and learn to master the various qualities that are organic compounds dense physical vehicle. - The man also has three upper bodies, which, though invisible, are powerful. Without his body would be a vital mineral, because the rocks and metals have identified no other vehicles besides the dense physical structure. Today, bodies of water, fire and air are manifested only through the physical body (earth) and which the air element gives the power of thought, the fire element the power of motion and emotion, and the water element the power of reproduction and growth. As the above shows that, although they are not perceived, there are demonstrations and features that attest to the power of the invisible part of man's constitution. The white magician devoted his life to study, meditation and service, in order to know the laws of forces and direct them to objectives. Fits Plan integrates its rhythm divine sacrifice himself and abdicating their wishes is subject to the will of the Infinite, just asking what prompted his duty and how to be more useful to the greatest number. By contrast, the black magician is locked in his belief that knows what you need, when really only know what you want. Plan would shape their own desires. He is convinced that the entire universe expect him stand out among all his peers, when in fact the whole Cosmic know that exists apart from its role as a mere atom march with other hosts of similar to an appointed end. The white magician seeks to gain control over himself, the black magician tries to get it over others. The man has four centers of consciousness, four concrete starting points to devote to the conquest of reality: the mind, heart, vitality and your physical body. A man may be compelled to serve another if this could be achieved, temporary or permanent control over any of the four centers. Mastering the physical body of another is to make it slave. The authority over your body is vital to steal their vitality as vampires, in which an individual draws the vital essence of another. A common example is when you offer young people living with elderly. The radiant energy of children is shared by the elderly, and as a result, children are rarely nervous and strong. Another example of the control system is vital for mediumship, where the disembodied spirits of the spleen extract medium's ectoplasm to get realized, which leads to exhaustion, both physical and nervous, the medium, he has given his own vitality as a vehicle for the foreign agent. The astral body is dominated by emotional excesses, such as religious frenzy, pain, fear or hatred. When someone realizes that he can influence others when their reasoning is hampered by emotional excess, and if it tries to awaken these excesses in order to dominate others, that mind is a black magician instigator. Radiating to other love, hate or similar sentiments to arouse similar emotions in them for selfish or personal, is also black magic. No patient will recover his health for the sake of complaining, should assimilate the lesson implicit in the condition he himself has brought. Just say the word health is a nonsense. What is appropriate and wise to investigate the causes that afflict it, counteract and restore health. We can never say why embody souls following a target of poverty or wealth, why some grow strong and survive and others succumb, but what we can say is that the law of Karma governs all these things, which places each life in the right place to better learn the lesson that will grow. Some must learn in pain and disease, others in joy and gladness; some have to learn to be exalted, others are humble, but all are here to save their souls by the sweat of their brow, to knead the bread of his own existence, but they have to do with his own blood. When we pray to the Infinite Father to give us those benefits that are lacking or straighten the tortuous paths that we walk, always add to our long list of desires, this statement: "Lord, how these desires me to be granted if they are to be best for me, if not, let your will and not mine. " always subordinating the achievement of our personal desires, with great deference, to the Will Divine, which is the only one that works with perfect accuracy. When a man changes his daily life of service for mental shortcuts and try to justify their services rather than dominate, it is already falling under the sway of black magic, subtle power that feeds the worst of it. People always try to avoid the difficulties instead of overcoming them. The result will always be fatal, because the problem will be constantly evaded a problem unmanageable. Surrounding the physical body follows the "armor of disease," called vital aura, represented by a grid area due to inbreeding and interpenetration of the two higher ethers with the two lower ethers. Under normal conditions, the etheric or vital body is radiated through the pores of the skin in a manner similar to a thin lining of skin that extends several inches outside the physical body. Occultism teaches that the germs are astral and super-physical than physical, while the vital aura radiates from the body, protects man from evil influences and negative forces of the etheric and physical worlds. If she slips, weakens or life force diminishes, the vital aura loses its power, and allows thousands of outside influences bring down their strength and value, a result that penetrate the elements of the disease and the result is often fatal. At one point between the eyebrows, on the forehead, is located the human consciousness in the sacred place of His tabernacle, enthroned between the balloons that are their bodies. The man with his actions, gradually developing their latent possibilities in the physical body. By preserving its energy, develops over the power centers of vital consciousness, which can only be achieved with a live smart because vitality is extracted from the air, sunlight, our regular food and other sources. After a gradual purification and regeneration of their emotions and feelings - control of their bodies burning, with its explosions and excesses - the man slowly reaches the high vibration of the astral body and develop their latent possibilities, redeeming her soul and animal. With his thoughts, ideals and aspirations, aided by the twin faculties of logic and reason, man gradually conquering control vertex that brilliant mind to be put in harmony with the divine mind of God site. (Extracted from " Magic, A Treatise on Natural Ocultimo" Manly Palmer Hall .-)

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