Saturday, August 19, 2006
Wedding Seating Software
As purify our mind ....
The Mental Plane , as all levels in the manifestation of universe consists of 7 sub-atomic levels of matter, which goes from the most coarse or dense sub-plane 1 to the more subtle and refined sub-plane 7, the first four sub-levels correspond to the mind or Inferior Concrete , it is with human beings we communicate constantly, recent 3 sub-levels correspond to the mind or Superior Abstract. Whenever we are aware of an evil thought as judge another, wanting something illegal, covet something .. etc, are being influenced by the grossest of lower or concrete mind, composed of atomic particles from the sub- levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 , of \u200b\u200bwhich it vibrates, attract new particles in these sub-planes, replacing lower mental body, other particles are more subtle and refined that came sub-plans and 5 º 6 º , thus degrading the quality of our vi-bratoria mental substance. Because the law governing energy ( The Law of Attraction Magnetic ) and whose manifestation is the vibration, states that "every particle to vibrate INFLUENCE AND DRAWS particles similar to it, driving down or move to the upper plane or lower. " Similarly when we admit lofty thoughts, spirituality, love .. etc, resulting mental energy vibrates only atomic particles corresponding to the sub-planes 5 º and 6 º , vibration much more subtle and quick to the rest denser and coarser are unable to respond in harmony and vibrational attraction, attracting particles of these sub-plans that displaces and replaces the bottom, so that the quality of our mental body bottom , improved and clear-rific. It is therefore essential for an upward spiritual evolution, have this fact in mind as the persistence of a type of thought or other, completely determined the quality of our mind, which is the spiritual disciple to the most original works, because the higher mind or abstract, contained in our causal body is difficult and sporadic access to the first stage and It is not possible, has-ta on the lower mind that there is no acceptable control. The human being reborn inherited mental quality he had in his previous life, and only with effort and knowledge that governs the power law in its manifestation, may change gradually as mental and decisively influence their own evolution. Knowing this fact, What to do? : 1) A vigilant attitude towards the thoughts that come to us, the more prac-Tique about it, what at first is an effort of will, is left-do way to an Automatic and volitional, that detect the entry of a pen- cessing NEGATIVE. 2 º) Once DETECTED We must not suppress or expel without more, for a large number of times, you will stay in our subconscious, which is the "black storage" of the lower mind, which spring up again and more overwhelming force, the Apollo his "rebirth" under circumstances favorable to its "claim", it will normally apollo strong emotion, and consequently attract coarse particles of its own plane and moving to the subtle and above. The right thing is, once detected, to expose our mind, yet charged with that pen-cessing-negative sentiment in the light of the Divine, CALLING STRONGLY in one's mind, the lowering of purifying light, DISPLAY the fall of it, like pouring rain overwhelming on our mind and thought, and watch it BURNED and the mind is cleansed by this light, be refined .. Then we establish a positive thought of the same nature. Example: If the previous era of resentment toward a person, send now one of love, but with it a feeling of guilt on our part, as we work, do well, to detect and abrasive Light and Love If after this thought is repeated, as the mind has a repetitive nature, we must give the same treatment, until they reach full extinction, while to-follow this, we have attracted huge number of particles of sub-planes ele - fords and have removed the same amount of the lowest and rude. For this ra-zon should not worry about his repeated return, because every time we give this treatment will be earning higher mental quality. On the other hand we must not get depressed if a negative thought we are assailed again and again, certainly corresponds to a highly energized thought form in the past, qui-haps to other people, objects or ambitions, but following the same course of ex - pressure and mental manifestation. By attracting and significantly increase the particulate load subtle and above, with this simple technique every time we reach More refined thoughts, superiors and spiritual, the old ways will lower mental dying of starvation, lacking the contribution of other particles by displacement and replacement of the my-mas, they correspond to the atomic nature of matter. Spiritual thought forms and paulati AUTOMATICALLY flourish - namente stop being influenced by our old habits of mind and other people that although sometimes unintentionally on their part, negatively charged us with their judgments and ways of thinking, that the mental ether vibrate and attract particles of a similar nature. We also see that gradually abandon the abhorrent practice of judging our similar, and wanting material things. Not long after, we perceive that we live in a vibrational state of ran-go high, PEACE be replaced with stress, the flow of Divine light is constant to find and widen access to our minds, thanks to its re-confinement IRREVERSIBLE qualitative, and never answer, for lack of similar particles, the negative, and lower material. We only attract what spiritual rank - ve, until eventually our mental expression accesses the upper mental body or abstract, the causal body.

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