By Manolo Giménez
This Sunday July 20, through a note Horacio Verbitsky in Page 12 -then summarized in a dispatch from the official agency Telam - , was reported that the Government finally acknowledged the formidable scam the major grain exporters tried to carry out against the Argentine people. And to be willing to investigate the recommendation of the Bureau of Farm Trade Control (ONCCA).
Of course, at any time slips any reference to the responsibility of the executive and parliamentary ruling on the issue. Or the functionality indisputable that such a move paid the repealed Resolution 125.
All oligarchs are equal
Not so with a certain Horacio Rene Ducret, who is engaged in several lines incriminating note Télam page 12 and as the Vice President Luis Ducret & Cia SA, which registered 3 000 tonnes of corn and sunflower.
figure which contrasts, for example, with those submitted by Cargill contained declaring, without them or if any acquired 4 million and 22,500 tons of soybean, sunflower, 25 000 tonnes of maize, 120 thousand of sunflower oil and 436 000 soybean oil.
Or by General Deheza Oil, the company of Senator Robert Urquía, which states under the same conditions, 54,500 tons of sunflower oil, sunflower oil 11,000, 381,000 of soybean oil and soybean meal 1,325,000
The prominence that is given to answer the complaint Ducret his capacity as chairman of the Rural Society of Baradero (yes, Baradero) and having participated in the rural protest.
A watchdog
Although no adjectives too, Horacio Verbitsky refers to the legal regime that allowed corporations to freeze the price and the rate per day of registration and the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture, which granted them 365 days for the deal with frozen values.
Also in the first days of November 2007 there were 26.5 million tonnes, freezing and the effective rate of 27.5 percent. Just days before the increase of the tax rate to 35 percent.
face of all this evidence of collusion between corporations and the government attempted a covert defense Verbitsky, at times childish. Like when he says that corporations executed the maneuver and not according to the authorities of the area or misfeasance criminal of some official, but because "since 1 November 2007 press reports let them know that the deductions would be increased from 27 to 35 percent "(SIC).
O from pure sophistry, saying that in the first month of the conflict, the government tried to reform the law that exempts grains-grains and their products to pay the price level of the day export, but the reform "was delayed by the dynamics of events."
I would say that if something is justified to Congress to send this reform was precisely "the dynamics of events." On the other hand, that during the last four years there were more of an opportunity to change from the law and even unconstitutional Code.
regulation also refers to the 26,351 law-or law Raymond Martinez backup withholding applies to those operators who can not show driveways sales with purchases of grains and byproducts, and the allocation of control of the affidavits the onca.
In this regard, stresses that Ricardo Echegaray Verbitsky to take over as president of ONCCA reduced the term to realize the export of 365 to 45 days and began an investigation. Questions
If known since early November, the media, the impending increase in the rates why the Secretariat had open records and allowed DJVE be placed on those same days, nothing less than 26.5 million tons?
If in April this year took over from the Secretariat DJVE control and had begun an investigation by the onca, Why the insistence on maintaining the 125 that allowed the "suspects" purchased with the sliding tax rebates?
Why the ruling bloc of Senators approved on 12 March this year, within hours of the launch of the 125, the Law 26,359, known as the "Urquía?
clear that this law authorized the creation of an office based in the city of General Deheza, Department of Celman Juarez, Cordoba, where Senator Robert Urquía has its grain export company (AGD), with its own port. From which, incidentally, could arrange the affidavits.
remained in his position as secretary Javier De Urquiza? It is worth noting that the official said Echegaray's predecessor in the onca, Javier Portillo, head of irregular payments by oil company subsidies. Imagine the reader what was the most favored.
Why was rejected by the ruling party, the creation of a Commission of Inquiry in Congress as the opposition claimed it?
why it took four months to 26,351 law regulating the remedy, when he was suspected of DJVE and knew the huge increases in international prices of grains?
criteria and preferences
Also in your letter mentioned that two senators Verbitsky official "prepared a report on several of his colleagues that linked with the cultivation and industrialization of soybeans, which would affect their impartiality." Forgot
the author of "Stealing for the crown" to mention the strong preference that the president had Urquía Cristina Fernández, whom he described as "an example of the national bourgeoisie?
is worth noting that the employer was elected national deputy for Córdoba in 2007 by Fenton for Victoria. At that time the president asked him to resign his seat and stay in the Senate as head of the Strategic Budget and Finance Committee, despite being the owner of one of the most concentrated corporations in Argentina. What
allowed to hold a certain suspicion in his tone, let us say Kirchner-"independence of mind."
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