By Raul Quiroga
Especially these days, when the confrontation between the government and rural organizations seem to monopolize information, any discussion on oil and energy resources seems to be alien to the public interest. Something like a matter of very technical, concerns only to specialists.
However, both the oil and gas, electricity, uranium, or the so-called "alternative energy", are an urgent agenda of politics. And not just talking about projects, but policies that have an active participation. Because
power generation should be directed to the use and enjoyment of the society as a whole. Is that all the activities carried out daily by our people is related to energy production. Since the plastic or synthetic material to medicine communications: a multiplicity countless everyday items depend on power generation.
A national compass
In most advanced countries of the world's energy matrix supported on the gas and oil is 70 percent. In contrast, in Argentina is 90 percent, which suggests that those who manage energy in the coming years not only have their hands on a good business but also the keys to economic strategy and political power.
In our country, from 1907 to 1993, this vital resource was controlled by the federal government. Thus, thanks to the income earned by the central administration, could create the energy structure we enjoy today. That is, by controlling the national state could build in that period, almost all of the levees and dams to which the country as well as the vast majority of its pipelines.
also with energy income schools were built new towns and even in places where it seemed impossible.
In other words: oil horizon adopted a self-centered character and with an eye always on a reserve capacity of no less than 20 years. Even during the governments outside the popular will and dictatorships, this horizon remained unchanged.
present the reserves of our country only if they reach the 7.4 years since the sector transnational corporations operating in our fields, while refined and streamlined the extraction of oil-not invested in exploration and drilling.
This irrational mining is beginning to be revealed in service stations, while speaking in official circles, with ever greater insistence on the possibility of importing gas oil. Lost
We are at a breaking point. It is necessary to recover the management of our resources. Especially in this time of uncertainty in international securities, as the trend indicates that beyond the end of this year a barrel of oil will exceed U $ S 200.
General Enrique Mosconi argued that the defense of Argentine deposits of foreign companies was necessary "A great insensitivity to all solicitations of private interests-consistent or not with the collective interests," but, above all, we need a political power capable of containing all the opposing forces. "
"It is inexplicable," he said the existence of citizens who want to dispose of our oil deposits agreeing exploration and mining concessions to foreign capital, to favor flood it with profits from such activity is obtained, instead to book all these benefits to enhance the moral and material welfare of the Argentine people. Because our oil is delivered and give our flag. "
It's time to get back on track.
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