By Manolo Giménez
The announcement of President Cristina Fernandez on the cancellation of the debt with the Paris Club, set up a too obvious sign of submission of the Argentine government to the requirements of financial capital and transnational corporations.
It should be recalled that one day before the protest livestock manifest, in March, the French ambassador Frédéric Baleine du Laurens severely warned that failure to reach an agreement on this debt, there may be obstacles for soft loans for our country. For example, specify-that is required for the first tranche of essential bullet train.
With some minor tenderness and hardness that the Gaul, Tom Shannon, assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States, assured him in person to one's Cristina that his government would support Argentina to the members of the Club.
It is about 6,700 million dollars, to be paid using part of free reserves (the concept under discussion, by the way) of the Central Bank. "The announcement transcript and reaffirms once again the willingness to pay Argentina's international commitments," argued the president.
did not need such a demonstration, because since 2003 have been paid more than 165 billion pesos in that capacity. In other words, the Kirchner is the best "worshiper" debt that has been in Argentina, the international financial prey.
An odious debt ratings
seems annoying, but it is not. It's called "odious debt" that is contracted by the state without any benefit to his people and, therefore, the latter may repudiate legally. Such a figure of international law is what allows that, currently, the American protectorate in Iraq debt unknown claiming some countries of the European Community.
The pre-1983 Argentina's debt is odious than most. So presumably, according to a World Bank study that part of it was for "expenses military "criminal regime introduced in 1976.
An unlawful debt
The April 4, 1982 Alejandro Olmos made the initial presentation to justice in Argentina. Eighteen years later, on July 13, 2000, Judge Jorge Ballestero, by the Federal Court of First Instance in Civil and Correctional No. 2 of the Federal Capital, issued a decision in the case 14 467, giving the reason to Olmos complaints, thus confirming the illegitimacy and fraudulent foreign debt in the reported period (1976 to 1983).
In the same ruling "unprecedented in the world, establishing responsibility officials who contracted and the responsibility of international organizations, who approved such illegal and fraudulent loans.
The judge referred it to Congress, based on Article 75 of the Constitution which gives the legislative branch decisions on external borrowing.
Use of this failure of justice Argentina by the legislators would be a legitimate exercise of sovereignty, which would allow our country to dispense with international tribunals, like the dreaded ICSID is not nothing but a World Bank unit .
However, despite arguments that warrant at least an investigation what is being paid, not heard so far no parliamentary voice or other in this direction.
A Moveable Feast
Yes, however, several voices were heard approving of the president genuflection.
president of Fiat Argentina, Cristiano Ratazzi, said that "Argentina turns to enter the world." Clarin, which, apparently, a few weeks ago has regained credibility of "national and popular field - said something similar in the column of July Blank. Meanwhile, the Civic Coalition, radicalism and PRO were objections only "timely manner" to the statement.
Francisco de Narváez, however, strongly supported. And Vice President Julio Cobos confirmed the limits of their acotadísima rebellion.
It goes without saying, I suppose, what is the opinion of the courtiers and sycophants in the style of Luis D'Elia, and Juan Carlos Kunkel Cabandié.
What comes
Presumably such a measure is not adopted, only to have a high speed train.
In the four years remaining to the management of Cristina Fernandez, the Argentine government must pay, in debt, more than fifty billion dollars.
Simultaneously, the balance business has begun to show signs of deterioration, which makes it imperative the management of new loans with the IDB, the World Bank and Paris Club himself, to face a difficult scenario with impending electoral agenda.
But with public funds, other thirsty throats. This measure may be reinagure festival financial recovery in Argentina's economy, from the reopening of foreign credit and raising the default. Since, as held Cobos, "the effective cancellation of debt will allow the reentry of Argentina to international financial markets."
Marsans protocols with the debt Airlines and the episode in question, among some others, seem to indicate that Kirchner has begun to separate from the "populist gestures" (concocted in the recipe of Ernesto Laclau), its early years, to take a net shift to the call economic orthodoxy.
Is not it time to start building a truly national project?
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