The monument to John Paul II will be located next to the Cathedral on the southwest corner, directly opposite the magnolia tree in the Storehouse, which was the statue of Martinez Montanes, the work of the teacher and sculptor Juan Manuel Miñarro. The bronze monument, which has materialized pro Platform monument to John Paul II, will be financed by public subscription. It seeks to open on November 5th, the day that marks the 25th anniversary of the first papal visit to Seville and the beatification of Sister Á
ngela Cross, otherwise it would open for the beatification of Juan Paul II.Aunque its location must be approved, Francisco Valdes, representative promoters, said both the Platform and the Cardinal felt that his site "is that and no other." The monument will represent the Pope dressed in pontifical vestments which led to the beatification of Sister Angela. Have a height of 2.25 meters. The base of 1.80, will be of limestone from the quarry in Cabra. Miñarro said the pope will lead the staff in one hand and the other will apostolic attitude bidder delivery. He noted that this monument, "something intimate and close resemblance to that of Sor Ángela de Antonio Gaviria, has to be a reference devotional Seville." On location, Miñarro said the monument is compatible con el magnolio y comentó que el árbol está provocando importantes daños a la estructura de la piedra en la Catedral, y que parte del muro está enmohecido por su culpa.

Yo diría, con todos mis respetos, que no creo que sea muy razonable mandar a talar el magnolio del Alfolí para levantar un monumento. A quien sea y al que sea. Lo diga quien lo diga. Y lo haya hecho quien lo haya hecho. Y ese magnolio, como en su día lo fue el maravilloso ficus de Hacienda que tan mal final tuvo, tiene ganado su sitio y su emplazamiento en el patrimonio sentimental de la ciudad. Ni el magnolio es el enemigo de la estatua ni el propio espíritu del papa polaco aconseja a solution as demanding as targeted.
For all this I order that this platform to do wood of a tree, from here, I refuse to look down.
we must be the first to defend its position, care, health and verticality. We believe that this tree is a symbol of the city as needed, in this new avenue of green and shade. That tree is for Sevilla untouchable. much as the statue with love and respect to the memory of Pope he wants to raise. The question is: why make them incompatible? What is gained in fighting when you throw them so both can complement well as at the time formed a single whole the magnolia tree and the monument to Martinez Montanes?
For all this I order that this platform to do wood of a tree, from here, I refuse to look down.
we must be the first to defend its position, care, health and verticality. We believe that this tree is a symbol of the city as needed, in this new avenue of green and shade. That tree is for Sevilla untouchable. much as the statue with love and respect to the memory of Pope he wants to raise. The question is: why make them incompatible? What is gained in fighting when you throw them so both can complement well as at the time formed a single whole the magnolia tree and the monument to Martinez Montanes?
is true that the proposed project reaches four meters. Colossal dimensions to an extraordinary man. But between these dimensions and lighter ones include a world of possibilities. To which, of course, attention must be for Sevilla not waste your magnolia not be unfair to a pope that marked his visit the Roman spirit of this city. Can I downgrade the pedestal? Sure. And do not resent the monument. Pope in Seville that was always at ground level, not just kissing her when she arrived. But down from its mighty pedestal Seville to approach on foot. And so we see in Seville, in this statue us even closer.
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