Saturday, May 14, 2011

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Wilfredo environmentalist Requena and Leobardo Acurero Dip. NATIONAL MEETING OF ENVIRONMENT

Under the National Meeting of the Ecological Front Environmentalists PSUV, our general coordinator; Wilfredo Requena, also shared with the state ecologist Acurero Leobardo Lara, who like the have an outstanding record in this fight for life of our only home, planet Earth beaten.

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Recently at the end of April our general coordinator was invited by the green front of the PSUV to a meeting with activists from 17 states in the national park Yacambu in Lara state.

Friday, May 13, 2011

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gave recognition to Alimentos Polar. DELIVERY OF RECOGNITION

In this issue of recognition by our general coordinator ecologist, Wilfredo Requena, head of customer service office extension Alimentos Polar Valle de La Pascua, BA Alcira Martinez, was highly applauded by the audience, as is the prize that the Foundation for the Defense of Nature (FUDENA), quella gives all persons participating in such an important day of strict conservation features, as are added each year thousands of volunteers and companies who support this event. Congratulations Polar Foods employees.

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DMP 2010 DMP Annealing DELIVERY

This interesting image delivery Lic recognition Elisabeth Alcira Perez Martinez on behalf of the group that participated World Day in 2010 so out-standing Beaches, Wilfredo accompanying Godfather Irca Requena and members of the environmental group "Earth First" group is coordinating a regional World Day beaches (DMP) by the State of Guarico.

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In a pleasant atmosphere of camaraderie and joy our general coordinator Wilfredo Requena and Irca Licda Godfather with Alcira Martinez Office Manager valley polar food of the Passover, and community affairs coordinator coming central office in Caracas Licda Elisabeth Perez was handed a Polar food recognition by FUDENA for his outstanding contribution in World Day of Play 2010.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

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THE environmental group "Earth First" PRESENT IN THE WORLD WETLANDS DAY

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group of students and invited guests. Donation

Here all participants with our coordinator Ecologist Wilfredo Requena.

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environmental teaching materials.

Once the McFarland is delivered from the hands of Licda Luz Elena Ledezma Vásquez and Professional Speaker Jose Luis Garcia Carmona a lot of educational material to the school library, an action that accompanies each presentation our ecological group.

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Delivery of the film "Home." Using Newspaper

Within the framework of activities to celebrate the World Wetlands Day will be donated to the school in a CD copy of an interesting movie 100% organic "Home" CD receives Lic Emma Maria Melendez, coordinator of endogenous development of that school.

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exposure. Young

In this picture our general coordinator Wilfredo Requena talks about how to make an environmental Newspaper on climate change.

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school students Clara Matos Arzola.

A large group of environmental activists of this large school in the Pua sector of Valle de la Pascua. Guarico State

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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World Wetlands Day 2011 The digitized Emblem

In this picture the speaker José Luis García, Emma Maria Melendez Licda endogenous development coordinator Clara School matos Arzola, environmental coordinator Wilfredo Requena environmental group "Earth First" and the UNESR Lic Luz Elena Vasquez who do receive a sample of plastic bags donated by "EPA" for waste collection in the aforementioned school where he became a modest dissertation on the "World Wetlands Day"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

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environmental group "Earth First" by Jose Luis Gonzalez and Gustavo Gonzalez.

Monday, March 14, 2011

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Day 2011 Wetlands

On February 17, 2011 as part of the celebration of World Wetlands Day our coordinator Wilfredo general Requena, along with Professional Speaker Jose Luis Garcia and Luz Elena Vasquez Licda active members of the group Green "Earth First" had an interesting meeting with students and eco-school teacher Clara Matos Arzola of Valle de la Pascua , in the La Pua.Cabe noted the participation of Licda also responsible for endogenous development of school Emma Maria Melendez who received very supportive to the members of our team at this time.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

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The environmental group "Earth First" in the "World Wetlands Day" 02 February. MESSAGE

"World Wetlands Day"
(Year 11 after 2000)

The February 2 of each year is World Wetlands Day and it marks the date of adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on February 2, 1971. Since 1997, every year, government agencies, NGOs and citizens' groups from all levels of the community have taken the opportunity for events and activities aimed at increasing general public awareness about wetland values and the benefits in general and the Convention Ramsar in particular.

wetlands and forests is the theme of "World Wetlands Day of the Year 11, which was chosen because just the year 11 is the International Year of Forests
proclaimed by the United Nations.

Our motto is simple - Forests for water and wetlands - and allows us to think about the 'great place' occupied by forests in our lives, for example:

  • Forested wetlands and the unique benefits they bring . Mangrove forests, bogs, forests freshwater marshes, biologically diverse, they help us manage freshwater and provide us with many 'services' across the globe, among other ways to play vital roles in carbon storage. They are our allies against climate change. Despite their usefulness, are often under threat by development and urbanization, drainage and conversion of land use.

  • The role of forests, wet or not - in our lives, and why it matters to deal with them . Vital every human life, the availability of freshwater worldwide depend on our forests. Like a large extent, the quality of freshwater.

  • The role of forests in how our wetlands . There is no mystery: the health of our wetlands, woodlands or not, is linked to forest health of our catchments. The loss and degradation of forests are lost causes and degrade wetlands.

We can not do without the forests, whether forest land or forested wetlands, for the essential roles they play in our lives - water, food, media of life, leisure activities ... and much more.

What we have produced for World Wetlands Day of year 11?

As in previous years, the Ramsar Secretariat is distributing materials (in English, French and English) that we do get some time, which we hope will be useful in the activities in the DMH2011. The basic transmission contains:

  • Posters and stickers on the topic in print and in printable format on the CD

  • A color brochure prepared in collaboration with the UN Forum On Forests, for organizers of events to encourage and assist the organization of WWD events that are related to forests, wetlands and forested wetlands on a national or local context.

  • A practical activity for children of all ages: a dragonfly mask to oneself (including an instruction sheet.) Need glue, string, enthusiasm and a deft fingers.

The first shipment of these materials on a CD and a printed copy of the poster and booklet and stickers is taking place in early October 2010, and expect them to Valley Easter to mid-January 2011.

encourage everyone to consider the ability to customize and print our materials from the original design files, we'll be happy to supply on DVD. This has many advantages, namely: allow images and text relevant to your own particular situation, to translate the text to your local or national language, print many more copies than we could hope to provide


The Ramsar Secretariat encourages the translation of materials to national and local languages, as well as amending the text of the materials to have a local / national.

Please note the following:

i) may not be used pictures of our materials for any purpose other than the original without the permission of the photographer credited.

ii) Our materials may be used only for noncommercial purposes.

40 years caring for wetlands

As you know, the year 11 is a special year for Ramsar we celebrate our 40 th anniversary , so that whether take advantage of the February 2, 2011 or any other time of year to celebrate 40 years of Ramsar, we expect the Ramsar member countries to designate additional forested wetlands as Ramsar sites: a gift to Ramsar and themselves the year of the 40 th anniversary of the Convention.

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The Convention today

Number " Contracting Parties: 160
Sites designated for" List of Wetlands of International Importance : 1910 total area of \u200b\u200bdesignated sites (Hectares): 186 884 992

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